Israel Sees Link Between Incitement and Suicide Attacks… While the EU Rejects That

BRUSSELS - Apart from a few visits to a limited number of capitals and preciously few calls to brief continental leaders, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has not paid much attention to Europe. Nor do...

Don’t Confuse us with Facts – How Israeli Military Intelligence Botched Assessments of Arafat

During a cabinet meeting in 1994, then head of Military Intelligence Major General Uri Saguy, presented a "personal memorandum." The Israel Defense Forces MI chief has the right to present such a document, which...

“Put Arafat on Trial”

The rule of law requires that murderers be brought to justice. Yasser Arafat is a cold-blooded, premeditated murderer. It would seem to follow that he should be brought to trial. The incontrovertible evidence of Arafat's complicity...

Profile of Stanley Cohen, the Jewish Lawyer for the Hamas

NEW YORK -- Israel is a "terrorist state," he says. Palestinians have no choice but to attack Israelis "by any means necessary," he says. Yes, that includes suicide bombings. Who is this bearded supporter of...

The Refugees’ Choice: Another Look at UNRWA

Critics accuse UNRWA of perpetuating the Palestinian Arab refugee problem and abetting terror. Israeli officials say everyone would be much worse off without it. Has the 50-year-old mission gone right or wrong? The vanished buildings...

Briefing with Defence Expert Richard Perle Concerning Saudi Arabia

A briefing given last month to a top Pentagon advisory board described Saudi Arabia as an enemy of the United States, and recommended that U.S. officials give it an ultimatum to stop backing terrorism...

Al-Jazeera vs. The Israel Government Press Office

There is one thing that all the sides involved in the matter agree on: the Prime Minister's Office, the Foreign Ministry and the Defense Ministry agree with the Al-Jazeera TV station only as to...

Legal Action in France Against Al Aharam – Anti-Semitic Jewish Campaign Faces Litigation

Whoever thinks the French are all hostile towards Israel, can find a certain comfort in the following: a court in Paris is currently carrying out an investigation against the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram, on suspicion...

The Peace Now Survey Critique: Confimation of Pragmatic Settler Trend Does Not Mean What...

As a journalist who has lived in and covered the Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Katif for the past 15 years, I can affirm the findings reported by Americans for Peace Now co-chairman...

The Consistent “Peace Now” Position: Jews Must Leave Their Communities in Judea and Samaria

Israeli politics may, at times, seem absurd. But nothing is more absurd than allowing a handful of hardcore ideologues in the settlement movement to hold an entire nation hostage to its beliefs. The Israeli Peace...