Israel and the Jews in the Schoolbooks of the Palestinian Authority

Introduction What concepts and perceptions of Israel and the Jews has the Palestinian Authority taught Arab children in its territory since the adoption of the Oslo agreements? Can these perceptions and ideas serve as the...

Peace Will not be Achieved While the Palestinian Refugees are Denied eir right of...

Gaza 15th May 2001 Wafa- (Official Palestine News Agency) President Yasser Arafat said today in a televised speech broadcasted by all Palestinian medias on the 53rd anniversary of Alnakba that the Israeli military force escalation...

The Mitchell Report: “Balanced and Fair?”

In late October, 2000, US president Clinton appointed an international investigation commission to investigate the causes of the rioting in Israel, naming an Arab American and former US Senator, George Mitchell, as its chairman,...

MK Dr. Steinitz Demands: Disarm the PA – Rejects Call for Ceasefire

On Tuesday, May 8th, MK Dr Yuval Steinitz addressed a packed audience at the Israel Center in Jerusalem, at a news forum hosted by the Israel Resource News Agency. Steinitz, a former Peace Now leader...

The Continuing Cooperative Relationship

More often than not, when you hear a news report of an Arab terror attack in Israel, the news reporter will say that this attack was the result of Islamic extremists, whether they are...

PA Military Commander in Gaza Warns Israel

The Commander of the Palestinian forces in the Gaza Strip, Gen. Abed el-Razek el-Majaida had an interesting warning on Friday for the Palestinian population: Israel, he said, is not sufficing with placing cement blocks...

Suha Arafat gives an interview to a Saudi paper

Suha Arafat, wife of the Palestinian Authority chairman, shoots off her mouth. "I hate the Israelis," she declares. "I oppose normalization with them. Israeli women have attempted to make contact with me and I...

Responding to Palestinian Remorse Over Cut-off of funds to the PA Educational System

To refute what Marcus says does not necessitate attacks on his persona, but a systematic refuation, point by point, of his claims. The fact that you "find no evidence" does not mean that these...

Palestinian Arab Educator Bemoans the Cut-off of Funds to PA Schools

What Palestinian students are taught in the classroom and what textbooks they read have somehow become a major issue in the current debate on ways to end the cycle of violence in the Israeli-Palestinian...

A Jewish Resident of Katif Under Fire

Wednesday: At 6:10 this morning the first mortar shell fell on Neve Dekalim. I and several others ran out of shul -- amazing how some people will use any excuse to get out of shul...