Seize The Moment

Israel now has a rare opportunity to turn world public opinion around in its direction and to take diplomatic and military action that it has refrained from taking until now for fear of international...

Implications of Terror Attack for Arafat

The terrible disaster in the United States is a dark and gloomy day for Arafat. Arafat has lost his most useful vehicle, since he used terror to try to make the world criticize Israel. I...


"A day that will live in infamy." That was how President Franklin Roosevelt described the attack on Pearl Harbor 60 years ago. And that, and more, is how yesterday's cataclysmic disaster will be remembered...

Witness to Terror: Watching the World Trade Center Implode and Listening to Security Sources...

The terror at the Twin Towers caught me in Lower Manhattan, where I was giving briefings on how the PLO, the seemingly legitmated peace partner with Israel, had incorporated the Hamas and Islamic Jihad...

Rabbis for Human Rights Slam Israel in Durban and Raise Funds for the PLO

While more than twenty Jewish organizations organized a lobby to support Israel at the special UN Anti-Racism conference that had been convened in Durban, South Africa in Durban, the Ford Foundation financed one Jewish...

Interview with Egyptian Acting Ambassador to Israel

When they say that the war in our region is bad for tourism, they don't mean the Intifada's negative effect on India. And still, for over a year, there are some officials in the...

Use of Children During the Intifada

In May this year, a few weeks before the terror attack at the Dolphinarium, Assi Sharabi, a student of social psychology at the London School of Economics arrived in Israel with a great idea...

Perpetual Middle East Myths: A Critique of a Fox TV Interview

Although the Fox News Channel is often accused of being conservative, the most penetrating reporting and analysis I find on the evening news is the "Special Report" by Fox's Brit Hume. During an August...

Racism, Genocide and Politicide in Syrian Textbooks

Introduction To use the term "anti-Semitism" would be understating the degree of hostility displayed in Syrian school textbooks towards Jews and Israel. Professor Bernard Lewis defines anti-Semitism as an unprecedented degree of hatred which is...

The Five Ceasefires Since the Intifada Erupted

The "cease-fire" achieved in Gilo on August 29th is the fifth such agreement to be reached between Israel and the Palestinians since the eruption of the Intifada. Some of the agreements were bilateral, others...