Exercises in the Art of War

The Chairman of the Palestinian Authority is nervous and speaks aggressively. Hamas and the activists get the hint: He will not oppose a little "pressure" on Israel, which will also press the Americans. The...

Official PA Radio News – the PBC Radio, November 2, A.M.

In its prime-time news round-up at 7 a.m., the Voice of Palestine ignored the meeting between Yasser Arafat and Shimon Peres last night. Instead, VOP continued to emphasize military confrontation with Israel inits headlines and...

Official PA Radio News – the PBC Radio, November 1

VOP reports from the field emphasized with renewed vigor today Israel's alleged use of internationally-banned weapons, underscoring Israel's use of "chemical weapons" (as featured in simultaneous reports from Jenin and Tulkarm) VOP continues to use...

Official PA radio news – The P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 23

Summary and Analysis Minister of Information Yasser Abd-Rabbo led off the morning new show as the featured morning interviewee on VOP, underscoring a very pessimistic view of the state of the talks with Israel. Abd-Rabbo...

PA Military Commander in Gaza Warns Israel

The Commander of the Palestinian forces in the Gaza Strip, Gen. Abed el-Razek el-Majaida had an interesting warning on Friday for the Palestinian population: Israel, he said, is not sufficing with placing cement blocks...

Preparing for a BioChemical War Against Israel

After a series of delays and the worldwide wave of protests notwithstanding, it is nigh upon us. The United States is going to attack Iraq in the second half of March. While the message coming from...

Manipulative Jaffee Center Poll: Israelis asked to Endorse Palestinian State Without being Asked as...

In comparison to last year, Israelis are today more optimistic and supportive of the measures required to move the peace process forward. For example, 59% now agree to the establishment of a Palestinian state...

Israel Fears Regional War in 2006

WASHINGTON -- Israel has relayed its concern to the United States of the rising prospect of a Middle East war in 2006. U.S. officials said Israel has determined that the expected U.S. withdrawal from...

Questioning Twenty Premises of an Official Publication of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On April 20th, 2005, The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs distributed a multicolored, glossy brochure entitled "Israel's Disengagement Plan: Renewing the Peace Process". The brochure intermingles the philosophy of unilateral disengagement with superlatives about...

Abbas Charges Israel With War Crimes

From Palestinian Authority Radio (The Voice of Palestine): PA Prime Minister Ahmad Qreia (nicknamed Abu Ala) condemned in the strongest terms the resumption of the Israeli policy of assassinations (V.O.P. radio, 4 p.m.-Jerusalem Time), and...