Has the Israeli human rights community abandoned human rights in favor of political expediency?
A commitment to human rights and civil liberties includes an inherent even if unwritten oath to uphold the principles of human dignity, regardless of any political or ethnic considerations.
For example, in 1992, in the...
The “right of return”: the PLO negotiating position that stalls the process
The most significant decision of the Sept. 13th PLO central committee was barely reported: The absolute and uncompromising Palestinian position that every refugee who left Palestine in 1948 should have the "inalienable right" to...
Asking President Clinton to recall US ambassador Martin Indyk
I wish to take the unusual step of asking the President of the United States, The Honorable William Jefferson Clinton, to recall the current US Ambassador to Israel, Mr. Martin Indyk.
That is because Mr....
Analysis of a new textbook of the Palestinian Authority
"NATIONAL EDUCATION FOR SIXTH GRADE" Published by the "Ministry of Education for the State of Palestine". presented September 2000.
‘A’ Is for Arafat, ‘B’ Is for Bethlehem. Skip Zion.
RAMALLAH, West Bank, Sept. 7 Inside a modern, secular private school here, the first-grade boys and girls stuffed their Pokemon and Barbie backpacks into their cubbies and gathered on the blue rug for story...
Israel Not On Map in Palestinian Textbooks
RAMALLAH, West Bank, Sept. 2 “ After years of sharp debate and bitter recrimination, one of the most delicate and politically loaded documents in the Arab-Israeli dispute was unveiled today amid great ceremony“ and...
This week in the official Palestinian Authority media
This week, the Palestinian press dwelt on the Palestinian achievements in the Camp David summit, and how Israel was pulled closer to the positions held by the Palestinian Authority (P.A.). In one interview, Palestinian...
Professional Review of the Palestinian Authority teachers guide
Analysis of “REPORT: PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS”, compiled by the “Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace” CMIP); Research Director: Itamar Marcus. (CMIP is accessible at www.edume.org)
140 textbooks were reviewed by CMIP.
Of these, 36...
Muhammad and Meira begin first grade
I work with a senior Palestinian TV journalist, Mustafa, who, like me, hits fifty this month and, like me, has a child, Muhammad, who begins first grade this week.
My Meira, also six, is excited...
PMW – This Week in the Palestinian Media 3 August 2000
While the Camp David talks were still in progress it was evident from the PA media that the talks were headed for failure. Had Arafat intended to move toward Barak and from his traditional...