Funerals End One Stage Of Israel, Lebanon War As Next One Begins

The funerals of two murdered Israeli POWs, Udi Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, borne on the shoulders of 12 noncommissioned officers of the Israeli army's Golani Brigade, concluded this stage of the 2006 Lebanon War. The...

Rewriting history on the taxpayer dime The U.S. government, via the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), has provided support for a glossy 39-page "Palestine Guide Book." Just released by the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Tourism, it declares on its...

Why Does Bibi Stand up to Iran at the UN and Give in to... Two days before Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu flew to the UN to fight the lethal challenge posed by Iran, Netanyahu’s Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, announced that he favored a massive Israeli unilateral withdrawal...

Rights Spelled Clear As promised, a different sort of posting here: legal and historical background that is essential to understanding Jewish rights in the land. This review will be succinct, with links to informational sites for those who...

The Israeli Who Sneaked into Syria My friend and colleague Jonathan Spyer sneaked over the border with the Free Syrian Army to cover the war against Assad from the front lines. He did it twice. And he’s an Israeli. He has...

Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad In this unprecedented work two decades in the making, leading historian Robert S. Wistrich examines the long and ugly history of anti-Semitism, from the first recorded pogrom in 38 BCE to its shocking and...

Conditional Friendships

One can always discern when a potential friendship is really a conditional one. The clue is when the word ‘IF’ is always attached to some kind of substantial condition. Currently, there is fevered speculation swirling around the...

Timmerman: Sanctions Key Weapon Against Iran

Economic sanctions represent a key tool in the U.S. effort to prevent Iran from creating nuclear weapons, says Newsmax contributing editor Ken Timmerman. “I believe sanctions are necessary from a moral perspective,” he told Newsmax.TV....

The Fate of Syria’s Chemical and Biological Weapons EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Israel has good reason to fear that Syria’s chemical and biological weapons arsenal could fall into the wrong hands - to terrorist elements within Syria, to an even more hostile Syrian regime,...