Arafat lies about his birthplace

What a difference a birthplace makes: How, contrary to the facts, was Arafat born in Jerusalem? One of the pieces of information leaked to the Arabs at Camp David (to Muhammad el-Abzi of the international...

Palestinian Summer Camp Offers the Games of War

NABLUS, West Bank, Aug. 2 -- It is summer camp time for 25,000 Palestinian teenagers, and strikingly unusual camps they are, too. As run by the men who handle psychological warfare for Yasir Arafat,...

Eastern Jerusalem Arabs paying taxes to remain Israeli and avoid PLO annexation

(August 4 2000) Arabs of eastern Jerusalem have begun paying up all their debts to the Jerusalem Municipality, including all the taxes and fees, in the hope that this will strengthen their links to the...

Arafat Aides Complain of Conflicting Orders

Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat is issuing conflicting policy decisions to his aides as he is being pressed by the United States to reach a compromise on a final status agreement with Israel. Sources close...

Palestinian Refugee Issue Complicates Israeli-PA Negotiations

Jerusalem ( -- Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat heads to Washington next week, with two issues foremost in his mind: the future of Jerusalem and the future of Palestinian refugees who fled their homes...

Anti-Barak Rhetoric in the Egyptian Media

Since the collapse of the Clinton-Assad summit in Geneva, both the government and the opposition press in Egypt have been increasingly critical of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. The criticism takes the form of...

Should Israel Bomb Damascus Now?

Syria openly provides airfields and roads to supply the Hizbullah terror organization in Southern Lebanon, a group which declares that its purpose is to galvanize the Moslem world to invade and overthrow the state...

The Israeli Arabs and the Palestinian Authority Ultimatums in Perspective

A troubling poll result Instead of telling you what I think Israeli Arabs think, I would like to share with you what a representative sample of 500 Israeli Arabs told pollsters last November in a...

Syria, Lebanon Trying to Stymie UN Help in Israeli Pullout

Lebanon and Syria are trying to stymie United Nations cooperation for an Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon. Lebanon and Syria have set tough terms for an expanded UN peacekeeping presence in Lebanon in the wake...

Why Do Children Learn the Art of War During the Peace Process: Review...

On the day that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak was en route to Washington to meet with President Bill Clinton to revive the peace process with the Palestinian Authority, the "Center for Monitoring the...