Today’s French Revolution

In July 1789, the Paris Bastille was stormed by rampaging mobs, and the established order of autocratic rule was swiftly swept away. With the departure of the monarchy, a hopeful new era dawned, and French...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (June 16 – 22, 2021)

There were two terrorist attacks this past week: A Palestinian woman was killed attempting a combined vehicular-ramming and stabbing attack in Hizma, south of Nablus; a Palestinian woman tried to carry out a stabbing attack...

Genocidal Antisemitism: A Core Ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood is an organization that was founded in Egypt 1928 with the goal of establishing a global Islamic caliphate. The ideological influences of Wahhabism and Salafism and the socio-political atmosphere of the early...

Summer Camps

Despite Covid-19, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) held its annual summer camps, where Palestinian youths acquire paramilitary skills This summer the mobilization unit of the PIJ's military wing held its annual summer camps for youths...

Efraim Karsh: Israel’s Arab Citizens Are the “Main Danger” to Its Future

Efraim Karsh, editor of the Middle East Quarterly and director of the BESA Center for Strategic Studies, spoke to a June 7 Middle East Forum webinar (video) about the growing radicalization of the Israeli Arab community. According...

Grooming junior jihadists

The international community and mainstream media are shamefully ignoring a major destructive scandal in progress right now – the indoctrination of children into terrorism. In the northern hemisphere it is the middle of summer and...

Lod imam charged for encouraging murder of police officers

An imam from Lod in central Israel, which saw some of the worst Arab rioting during Operation Guardian of the Walls in May 2021, was formally charged on Thursday for incitement to violence after...

Do You Want to Understand the Middle East?

How do you make sense of the Israel-Palestinian conflict? This week’s guest, Bassem Eid, is a pro-Israel Palestinian who writes for several Israeli publications—an extremely brave and risky thing to do. Watch this fascinating...

The coronavirus vaccine crisis refueled the Palestinian anti-Israeli propaganda and defamation campaign which began...

After two months of talks, a vaccine exchange deal was negotiated between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA). Israel committed to giving the PA more than a million doses of vaccines whose expiration date was approaching,...