The Revival of UN Resolution #181
Resolution 181's Revival
In the May 9, 1999, edition of Al-Ayyam, Journalist Tawfiq Abu Bakr reported on the Palestinian Central Council meetings that discussed Palestinian measures on May 4th 1999:
"Minister Nabil Sha'ath said... that...
Our Fascists
Full Text
Why do the Albanians of Kosovo deserve self-rule, but not the Kurds in Turkey? Why do the Albanians merit being defended, while the Kurds deserve the humiliation of watching the capture of...
Shimon Peres: Overthrow Saddam. Mideast’s Villain: It’s Not Islam; It’s Saddam
President Clinton deserves every praise for "Desert Fox." Yet it, too, did not resolve the Iraqi dilemma: Iraq is still controlled by a pathological despot who initiated bloody battles with his neighbors (Iran in...
From Bastion of Balance to Defamation of Israel
As a matter of policy, ADL's office in Jerusalem had always fought to cope with any media coverage of Israel that would reflect any hint of either anti-Semitism or anti-Zionism.
The ADL office in Israel...
Al-Ahram Weekly: 1st-7th April, 1999
Corruption Cover-Up in UNWRA?
by Zeina Khodr
"An UNWRA report proves that some officials have been mishandling funds. But, as Zeina Khdor reports from Beirut, Palestinian officials are worried that delays in tackling the scandal could...
Recorded Interview with Jeff Halper, Head of the Israel Committee for House Demolitions (ICHD)
Media analyst Allan Polak conducts recorded interview with Jeff Halper on March 24, 1999. (Halper, an anthropologist, is the head of the ISRAEL COMMITTEE FOR HOUSE DEMOLITIONS and a candidate to be the new...
Al-Ahram Weekly 25th-31st March, 1999
Prostitution in Israel: Should This be an Accepted Norm for Young Women - or Should We Fight It? by David S. Bedein
A Battle, Not A Massacre Pro-Arab Lobby
International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism Website
PLC Jamal...
A Successful Launching of Our Campaign Against the Perpetuation of the Occupation
On Friday and Saturday, March 12th and 13th, some 500 Israelis, joined by dozens of Palestinians, launched the Israeli Campaign Against the Perpetuation of the Occupation, notice of which you received earlier. Together we...
Cold Peace Encouraged at Palestinian Israeli Social Workers Workshop?
Monday March 9, by invitation of Dr. Elia Awwael, I attended the Palestinian-Israeli Social Workers Workshop held at the Nativity Hotel located in Bethlehem. The stated goals of the workshop included allowing Israelis and...
Damascus to Rearm Saddam
A secret deal has been agreed between Syria and Iraq for the supply of military equipment to Baghdad, according to Middle East intelligence sources.
Relations between the two countries have been improving significantly in recent...