New Poverties Conferences

Dec 2019 Jerusalem: Biologic, Economic, Environmental …and Ethical Challenges Local, Regional, and Global  March 2023 Jerusalem: Updates from First Conference Elihu D Richter CR 2023 presentation final black

The origins of Palestinian hatred

THE TRAIL OF blood left by Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip is another chapter of the Palestin- ian cruelty and brutality that was born over 100 years ago. There have been several inflection points along the way that we...

Congressman Smith: ‘UNRWA schools are breeding grounds for hatred’

Thank you for the opportunity to submit a statement on behalf of the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC), a leading Jewish Global Human Rights NGO to this distinguished Subcommittee, I am honored to serve as the...

2023- Ten worst global antisemitic incidents

They brutally murdered 1,200 Israelis - men, women, and children - including infants. They mass raped women and kidnapped and took over 240 hostages, holding them in underground tunnels, some for over 2 months....

Operation Iron Swords (Updated to 1 p.m., January 2, 2024)

The combat arena: The IDF forces continued their integrated ground maneuver in the Gaza Strip focusing on the Daraj-Tufah neighborhoods in Gaza City and Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, while the fighting continued against...

Attention: Hamas Pitch Deck


Kremlin’s Shadow Over Jerusalem Full

Kremlin's Shadow Over Jerusalem Full