Arafat’s Policies Disastrous

Editor's note: Edward Said, who lives in New York and teaches at Coumbia University is among the most well known Palestinian personalities alive. Said's books and essays are now banned by the "Palestinian Authority"...

Escalation in the North

Iran, Syria, the HizbAllah and Palestinian terrorist organizations actively prepare for escalation in the strikes against Israel. The terrorist strikes from Lebanon may be used by Syrian President Hafiz al-Assad to attrite Israel and...

Watching Palestine Authority TV

Itamar Marcus does not recognize the Yasser Arafat that most Israelis know from their television sets. As the head of the Palestine Media Review, a relatively new nonprofit media outfit that monitors the official...

Flourishing Deals Overseas

Who, today, controls the economic empire which the PLO created overseas? "Arafat and his friends are not transferring the PLO's overseas assets to the ownership of the Authority," says Palestinian council member Khosam...

PLO Covenant Remains Unchanged

Like a cat with nine lives, the PLO Covenant refuses to die, leaving doubts about the seriousness of the fledgling Palestinian entity's acceptance of Israel's right to exist. That is the message of a panel...

Eisenhower Regretted That He Pushed For Sinai Withdarwal

When President Bill Clinton won his second term, Rowland Evans and Robert Novak joined forces to put out a column urging him to follow the example of President Dwight Eisenhower to "stand up to...

Where is Beilin Going?

"I think we are witnessing the last gasps of violence by those Palestinians who want to block this accord," Yosse Beilin told Jerusalem Post reporter David Makovsky. Way back on November 30th, 1993! Labor MK...

Deputy PNC Chairman Denies Draft of Charter

Deputy PNC Chairman Salim Za'noun denied a report attributed to him which was distributed by the Palestine Ministry of Information that there is a proposed draft for a new Palestinian National Charter. The report...

PNC Vote Does Not Fulfill PLO Obligation to Amend Covenant: PNC Has Until May...

The decision made by the Palestinian National Council (PNC) last night regarding the PLO Covenant does not satisfy the obligation laid down in the Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement (Oslo II). The PNC did not actually...

“The Text of the Palestinian National Covenant Remains As it Was and No Changes...

Peace Watch revealed today an internal publication issued by the "Research and Thought" division of Chairman Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction of the PLO, entitled "The Palestinian National Covenant Between Renewal and Being Frozen." It...