Understanding the indoctrination faced by Gaza residents under the rule of Hamas lead by...
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Iran Debuts Blood-Splattered ‘No Hostage Will Be Released’ Mural in Tehran
The barbaric mural was Iran’s response to the death of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, who masterminded the October 7 atrocities. Sinwar was killed by Israeli forces last week while attempting to flee into Egypt.
“The new mural...
Little Hitler: Sinwar’s ‘mini-Holocaust’ could have been much worse
In the harsh light of history, the Simchat Torah massacre of last year stands as a Holocaust-like event, a "mini-Holocaust" that shook Israel to its core. The elimination of its mastermind, Yahya Sinwar, represents nothing...
The day after Sinwar: The expected successor, negotiations on a deal, and a possible...
A day after the body of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar was identified (Thursday), the prevailing assessment with Israeli leadership is that his brother, Muhammad Sinwar, will assume control of the terrorist organization in Gaza, including managing...
AFSI To Dennis Ross: Retract False Israel Claim
A leading pro-Israel group is demanding that former U.S. Middle East envoy Dennis Ross retract his false allegation regarding Israel’s goals concerning Hamas.
Ross, a longtime U.S. envoy who is now a widely-quoted commentator on...
Israel is being sacrificed to hand Kamala Harris’ failing campaign a few extra votes
The Biden White House’s latest intervention against Israel is nothing short of an abomination. In the middle of a war, it is threatening America’s closest ally in the Middle East with cutting off arms supply in...
Biden team and Israeli talking heads push for Hamas and Hezbollah victory
With Sinwar dead, the Biden Team is scrambling for a Hamas and Hezbollah victory assisted by Israeli talking heads.
Even before final confirmation of the death of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, the talking heads on...
U.S. Should Declare Arms Embargo Against Palestinian Authority
A leading pro-Israel group is urging the Biden administration to stop sending weapons to the Palestinian Authority security forces, following the revelation that many of their members are involved in terrorism.
A major Israeli think...
Weekly Commentary: Silver Lining to Blinken-Austin Arms Embargo Threat
When we realized that it was a mistake to rely on American supplies of
one-ton bunker busters, we dug into our pockets to begin serial production
of a superior Israeli model.
That was only the beginning.
The Blinken-Austin...