The Palestinians and the Second Lebanese War

"The Palestinians cannot be blamed for the Israeli government's erroneous decision to initiate a cease fire as the campaign against the Qassams was beginning to succeed." "Egypt, a realist player par excellence, has turned a...

Commentary: Appeasement Now

Caroline Glick's first line in her column yesterday: "The world has gone mad." She then proceeds to explain the many reasons why this is so. For example: "As the Palestinians push forward with their Iranian-sponsored,...

Not the peace we expected with Egypt

Egypt's behavior in Sinai and along the Philadelphi route, which enables the large-scale arming of terror organizations, requires a reexamination of Israeli policy. Many people have become convinced in recent months that Egypt intends...

Commentary: Gaza, Israel’s Military Position, and more

An initial report has been delivered on what happened in Gaza: apparently a malfunction in the radar of the artillery battery. Defense Secretary Peretz has now ordered a review of artillery fire procedures and...

David Bedein’s coverage of Israel for the Evening Bulletin of Philadelphia, August-October, 2006

10/24/06 Seven Armed Palestinian Terrorists Killed In Gaza The IDF fire resulted in the death of Atta Fuad Shanbari, the commander of the Popular Resistance Committees in the northern Gaza Strip, and six others. Israeli...

Commentary for Yom Kippur

October 1, 2006 As Yom Kippur approaches, and with it the time for deep reflection and turning to Heaven for forgiveness and redemption, I will provide here only a short posting. Deeply do I wish...


Israel has targeted Islamic charities... in an effort to block financing to Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Officials said the intelligence community has been identifying and tracking Islamic charities, known as Dawa, in the West Bank...

Towards a Ceasefire?

As I write, the ceasefire mandated by the Security Council is ostensibly less than 12 hours away. However... the Lebanese cabinet has indefinitely postponed a meeting that was supposed to be held today to...

How to Defeat Hezbullah: Hold Syria Accountable

This war is unique in the history of Israel's wars. Contrary to other wars, the enemy on the other side of the border is not a state, it is an organization. Governments throughout the world, with...

Are Israel’s Settlements Legal?

Assuming the Middle East conference actually does take place, its official task will be to achieve peace between Israel and its Levantine neighbors in accordance with Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. Resolution 242,...