UNRWA in its Present Form; Impediment to Peace in the Middle East

A Middle East peace process ensued 34 years ago, when Egyptian President Anwar Sadat made an unprecedented middle east peace effort, when he proclaimed a new policy of peace and reconciliation with Israel. Sadat...

France To Israel: Fly Over Lebanon And We’ll Shoot

Israel Defense Minister Amir Peretz reported to an Israeli Knesset committee that there is a new threat to Israeli jets operating in Lebanese airspace. Peretz said that the commanders of the French forces that deployed...

ARMED STRUGGLE ON THE TABLE: Middle East Newsline Provides Hands-On Coverage of Fatah...

The ruling Fatah movement has been bolstered by dozens of military commanders abroad, some of whom prepared to stay in the West Bank. Nearly 100 Fatah commanders and senior operatives have arrived in the West Bank for...

Kuwait Expels Thousands of Palestinians

Much has been made of the Palestinian exodus of 1948. Yet during their decades of dispersal, the Palestinians have experienced no less traumatic ordeals at the hands of their Arab brothers. As early as...

Remembering the Murder of Robert Kennedy, who died on June 6th, 1968: A Tribute...

These articles by Robert F. Kennedy were published in the Boston Post after his March 1948 visit to the Middle East. He departed Palestine prior to Israel’s declaration of independence on May 14 and...

Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan

Evans & Novak Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan Aired November 29, 1997 - 5:30 p.m. ET Rowland Evans, CNN host: I'm Rowland Evans. Robert Novak and I will question one of America's most influential and most...

President al-Assad Gives an Interview to Kuwaiti Newspaper of al-Anba

With regard to the possibility of war with Israel for the restoration of occupied Golan, the president said: "Syria expects an Israeli aggression at any time, and Syria knows that Israel has a powerful...

If The Obama Administration Doesn’t Understand Syria’s Dictator is No Sensitive Westernized Wimp, It...

http://rubinreports.blogspot.com/2011/04/if-obama-administration-doesnt.html This article is published on PajamasMedia. The full text is published here for your convenience. Why was Egyptian President Husni Mubarak so evil in the eyes of the Obama Administration while Syrian President Bashar al-Assad...

Education for war: Delegitimization, Demonization, and Violence

Reviewed by Arlene Kushner, Senior Policy Research Analyst, Center for Near East Policy Research Ltd. The American Jewish Committee, in cooperation with The Institute for Monitoring the Impact of Peace and Tolerance in School Education...

May 15: Nakba or defeat?

http://www.arabnews.com/news/570476 A few weeks ago, many people in the Arab world heard a name, Joshua Teitelbaum, an Israeli senior fellow at the Dayan Center for Middle Eastern Studies and the Goldman visiting associate professor at...