Morsi detained, bloodbath in Egypt As Egypt explodes in what could be civil war, with a reported death toll of at least 628 dead and rising in clashes between security forces and Islamists that began August 14, many are...

The Middle East Turmoil: Its Impact on Arab-Israeli Peace Prospects *

It all started just five months ago, on Dec. 17, 2010, when Mohamed Bouazizi, a young Tunisian fruit peddler in Sidi Bouzidi, south of the Tunisian capital, set himself ablaze after the police seized...


When Israelis think of business people from the USA, they often conjure up images of fast talking ambitious go-getters from New York or Los Angeles. Indeed, during this reporter's 36 years in Israel, it has...

A Message to Europe

The world is divided into two camps. On one side are those people who see terrorism as a warning of danger ahead. Unless something is done, they say, a catastrophe may happen. On the...

Why Israel Watches The US Elections

A question most often asked in the Israeli government is whether a win by the Democratic Party in congressional elections would accelerate expected changes in U.S. policy in the Middle East. If Democrats carry out...

Choose your enemy: Assad or Israel? There is no need to support either. When Israel attacks the Syrian regime, it does so because it aims to defend its security and interests. And the same goes for us when we were happy...

UN Resolution 1701 Compromised

In a declassified report released this week and published by the Israeli Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center located at the Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center (IICC), security officials make an official claim that...

On the eve of the Pa. primary,The Philadelphia Bulletin interviews Obama’s Middle East Advisors

During the week before the Pennsylvania primary, I met with Sen. Barack Obama's middle east advisers in Washington, Howard Guttman and former Californian Congressman Mel Levine, along with another Obama Middle East aide who...

Shias: The Arab Spring’s Latest Victims The U.S.-sponsored "Arab Spring" continues to expose itself as a Sunni supremacist takeover. While the indicators are many-from the al-Qaeda Benghazi consulate attack to the ongoing persecution of Christian minorities-attacks on Shia Muslims are...

Hizbullah Threatens to Strike Strategic Israeli Targets in Response to an Attack on Iran’s... Vol. 12, No. 22 25 September 2012 The intensive public discourse in Israel about an approaching attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities has led Iran and Hizbullah to ramp up their threats of harsh retaliation. The...