PLO State to Include at Least All West Bank and Gaza

When permanent status negotiations begin, borders of the state of Palestine, including Jerusalem and all other territories occupied in 1967, will be determined by the terms of reference of the Oslo Agreement. the "peace of...

May 15: Nakba or defeat? A few weeks ago, many people in the Arab world heard a name, Joshua Teitelbaum, an Israeli senior fellow at the Dayan Center for Middle Eastern Studies and the Goldman visiting associate professor at...


The next round of Israel's confrontation with Hizbullah was expected to be more fierce than the 33-day war concluded in August. U.S. military analysts expect Israeli ground forces to move rapidly to destroy Hizbullah's short-range...

End of Assad?

Iran and its proxy Hizbullah have been planning to take over Syria, a report said. The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs said Iran and Hizbullah held a secret summit in April 2013 to draft strategy...

Kurdish Advances The stunning collapse of the Iraqi army in Mosul, and the rapid advance of the fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) through Tikrit and toward Baghdad has created a new...

Expert: Prepare for war Middle East experts give their forecasts

The coming months will present Israel with strategic threats from three different directions, Dr. Boaz Ganor, founder of the Institute for Counter-Terrorism told Ynetnews. The first threat, stemming from the Shiite alliance of Iran and...

Al-Ahram: Egypt’s Options, Lutfi El-Kholi

The following are selections from articles which appeared in the Egyptian English weekly, "Al-Ahram" of Al-Ahram Weekly, 2nd - 8th July, 1998 Forging News Alliances by Dina Ezzat Dina Ezzat explores Egypt's options beyond a defunct...

The Long Shadow of the Guards This week saw further clashes between the two rival power centers vying for influence over Iranian foreign and domestic policy. In one corner stands a faction dedicated to rehabilitating Iran’s international standing, epitomized by...

Ushering in a New Era in the IDF: Dependence on Air Force Capability

The retirement of Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Moshe Ya'alon ushers an Israeli doctrine that plays down the Palestinian insurgency and envisions air power as the leading element against ground threats Israeli defense sources as...

How Is Israel to Respond When They Attack Our Airports?

On Monday, US Secretary of State Colin Powell will deliver a speech at the University of Louisville in which it is expected he will set forth an American plan for peace between Israel and...