Official PA radio news: Not to Open Fire on Israeli Targets from Inside. P.B.C....

Friday Afternoon Summary and Analysis, February 23 In its Friday 4 p.m. afternoon broadcast, V.O.P. relayed the instructions of the Fatah movement not to open fire on Israeli targets from inside residential areas. As in...

9/11 Law Suit Targets Iran Involvement

Ten Years After 9/11 The Law Suit For Millions The Families Of The Victims Have Filed In A New York Court Is Revealing Classified Information That Could Change Everything We Have Thought About The...

The Case of a Missing Children Part Five: Sold?

On April 25th, 1996, Rabbi Avidor HaCohen, testified in front of the Cohen Committee in charge of investigating the disappearance of the Jewish children. Rabbi Avidor had an interesting story to tell the committee. His...

Hamas Marks 24th Anniversary, Says It Killed 1,365 Israelis bloomberg_articlesLW76DW0D9L35.DTL#ixzz1jZFHeEd4 Dec. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Hamas marked 24 years since its founding as an Islamic movement dedicated to fighting for Palestinian independence, while the group's armed wing said it killed 1,365 Israelis in that period. More...

BLIND TO TERROR: THE U.S. GOVERNMENT’S DISASTROUS MUSLIM OUTREACH EFFORTS AND THE IMPACT ON... Why has the U.S. government called certain Islamic groups supporters of terror in federal court, and then turned around and called these same organizations “moderates” and embraced them as outreach partners? In a number...

Incisive Commentary on Events in Israel

Posting: July 11, 2008 "Still Iran" Iran remains very much in the news -- and with solid reason. No one -- except the parties both here and the US who are directly involved -- know exactly what's...

Why Has the Domino Effect Been Halted?

Even American arms and training, European funds and global political support will not turn the Fatah regime in Judea and Samaria into something upon which Israel can depend. Only the establishment of eight homogeneous tribal states, based...

The Case of a Missing Children Part Ten : “Swept Under the Magic Carpet”

On the 5th May, 1998, I attended a rally held by the "Mishkan Ohalim" organization, at Gan HaAtzmaut (the Independence Gardens), in Jerusalem. Present at the rally were some members of 1,500 families who suffered...

Al Qaida Shatters U.S. Victory Claim

Leading U.S. analysts, including former military commanders, acknowledged that Al Qaida defied the assessment of the intelligence community and President Barack Obama. In early 2013, Obama announced that AlQaida was declining and a shadow...

State of the Union Address on Foreign Policy: Careful Phrasing Conceals Disasters While the State of the Union message was overwhelmingly domestically oriented, the foreign policy sections were most interesting. I’ll review them here. The president began in the same neo-patriotic mode used in the second inaugural...