Shia-Sunni schism: A challenge to world peace The recent violence in Rawalpindi or the bombing of the Iranian embassy in Beirut are not the only manifestations of the intra-Muslim sectarian discord. The inability of Muslims to settle a 7th century dispute...

PM: Abbas does not seek peace What's behind Abbas' new tone? Mahmoud Abbas delivered a speech on Jan. 4, on the anniversary of the founding of Fatah, that may have marked a turning point in the relations between the Palestinian Authority...

How the Israeli Media Covered the Capture of a PA Ammo ship

In a pre-dawn raid on Thursday morning, January 3, 2002, IDF naval commando troops seized control of the Karine-A vessel without a fight and forced it to sail 500 kilometers north to Eilat. The...

Arab Spring Indeed? The upheaval in the Arab world, which began in Tunisia, spread into Egypt, Yemen and Libya and reached Syria in mid-March 2011, has dramatically shaken and transformed the Middle East. The sequence of events...

Middle Eastern Upheavals Enter Round Two The following replies to a question posed by National Review Online: "With Qaddafi vowing a win or martyrdom and Assad being urged to step down by the West, what has happened to the Arab...

Official Palestinian Radio News: The Voice of Palestine (V.O.P.) February 21st

Summary and Analysis The failed Israeli liquidation operation/assassination attempt in Jenin yesterday was the main featured attraction on V.O.P. morning news, with the Palestinian Authority-via Col. Tawfik al-Tirawi-claiming it had frustrated many such assassination...

Incisive Commentary from Arlene Kushner, Augu. 5th-10th, 2007

Posting: August 10, 2007 "Our IDF" I want to return here to the issue of soldiers who refused to participate in evicting Hevron residents from the marketplace, Mitzpe Shalhevet. The story as it was widely presented, was...

Islam and Jerusalem march-18-2012-islam-and-jerusalem.html On March 14, I attended a conference that considered the question, "Jerusalem: How Important Is It to the Muslims?" Held at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center, it was jointly sponsored by the Center and...

The Middle East Turmoil: Its Impact on Arab-Israeli Peace Prospects *

It all started just five months ago, on Dec. 17, 2010, when Mohamed Bouazizi, a young Tunisian fruit peddler in Sidi Bouzidi, south of the Tunisian capital, set himself ablaze after the police seized...

Analysis: Understanding What is Now Transpiring in Egypt

January 31, 2011 "Convoluted and Painful Process" The issues are anything but simple, and resolution of the situation in Egypt will not happen overnight, or in a week or a month. I do not intend to...