UNRWA & the Right of Return

http://www.romirowsky.com/12055/unrwa-the-right-of-return Chair: Good evening everyone. I am Louise Ellman MP, and on behalf of the Henry Jackson Society, I would like to welcome you to this meeting here in the House of Commons. I would...

Is Barack Obama Prejudiced Against Arabs?

http://www.weeklystandard.com/AUTHOR/NOAH-POLLAK#latest-article The press is having fun today amplifying the complaint of Palestinian "negotiator" Saeb Ereikat that comments Mitt Romney made in Jerusalem yesterday are "racist." What was Romney's offense? In the course of expressing amazement...

Israel’s Settlers Are Here to Stay

http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/26/opinion/israels-settlers-are-here-to-stay.html?_r=4 WHATEVER word you use to describe Israel’s 1967 acquisition of Judea and Samaria - commonly referred to as the West Bank in these pages - will not change the historical facts. Arabs called for...

Hillary’s Slap to Israel

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took 24 hours of her international tour to stop in Israel, her first visit in two years. Her trip was mostly dedicated to uttering meaningless platitudes about Obama’s...

FAYAD: Hardly a “Genuine Reformer”

On July 11, 2012. during a special session of the Middle East Subcommittee of the US House Foreign Affairs committee, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported that Jonathan Schanzer of the Foundation for Defense of...

Rubin Reports: Israel is in Good Shape Because So Many Others Decided Not to...

http://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/analysis/rubin-reports/rubin-reports-israel-is-in-good-shape-because-so-many-others-decided-not-to-be/2012/07/13/ The more I think about Israel’s security situation at this moment, the better it looks. Obviously, this is counter-intuitive given the media bias, academic distortions, and campaigns for sanctions of various kinds. And, of...

Congress Probes Palestinian Authority Corruption

http://www.menewsline.com/ The US Congress has been investigating corruption within the Palestinian Authority, a leading beneficiary of U.S. aid. The House has heard testimony of PA corruption in 2012 under the regime of chairman Mahmoud Abbas. Witnesses...

Yasir Arafat Is Still Dead and We Know Who Really Did Him In

http://spme.net/articles/8773/2/5/Yasir-Arafat-Is-Still-Dead-and-We-Know-Who-Really-Did-Him-In.html Yasir Arafat is still dead. True, he was once alive. I sat across from him in his Gaza office, for example. And he even had a copy of my history of the PLO on...

Lessening UNRWA’s damage

http://www.jpost.com/LandedPages/PrintArticle.aspx?id=276842 Critics of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the organization tasked with oversight of Palestine refugees, have tended to focus on its sins. Its camps are havens for terrorists. Its bureaucracy is bloated...

Palestinian Authority president stealing millions in aid, Middle East experts say

http://freebeacon.com/lifestyles-of-the-rich-and-palestinian/ Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has allegedly deposited nearly $13 million in U.S. taxpayer aid into a secret bank account, and routinely uses his political connections to profit from the stagnant peace process, according...