‘Israelis have a legal right to settle all Judea and Samaria’

http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=4945 Retired Supreme Court Justice Edmond Levy, who heads a committee tasked with examining the legality of Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria, declared on Tuesday that Israelis have a legal right to settle the...

Legal committee appointed by PM: Israelis have a legal right to settle all Judea...

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=57367 According to the committee, communities that were built on land owned by the state, or privately owned Israeli land, with the help of government bodies could not be classified as "unauthorized" due to the...

Palestinians’ Islamist Spring

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3146/palestinians-islamist-spring After the recent wave of protests and clashes with Palestinian Authority policemen in the West Bank, the Palestinians are asking if the "Arab Spring" might be finally knocking on their door. The protests, organized by...

Why Publicize What Arabs Say in Arabic?

At the annual American Jewish Press Association (AJPA) Conference, held recently in Philadelphia, a newsworthy session was held with Chemi Shalev, the newly appointed US correspondent for the English language edition of the Israeli...

A Candid Moment with a Journalist

At the annual American Jewish Press Association (AJPA) Conference, held last week in Philadelphia, a newsworthy session was held with Chemi Shalev, the newly appointed US correspondent for the English language edition of HaAretz. Working...

Is the Palestinian Authority Losing Control in the West Bank?

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3116/palestinian-authority-losing-control In recent weeks, the Palestinian Authority security forces have been launching a massive crackdown on anarchy and lawlessness in various parts of the West Bank. The crackdown was ordered by Abbas after he discovered what...

Weekly Commentary: Time to set benchmarks for Palestinian compliance

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=57097 Here’s a snapshot of the situation today: 1. The Palestinians have many thousands of rockets, anti-aircraft missiles, anti-tank missiles, and other illegal weapons in the Gaza Strip. Every Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip, including...

The Rhetoric of Nonsense

http://www.meforum.org/3262/palestinian-history-nonsense For nearly two decades the Palestinian Authority (PA) has been denying Israel's right to exist, and a recent "Nakba Day" was no exception. In a Gaza speech on behalf of Mahmoud Abbas, his personal...

Israel Continues to Thwart Terror Attacks from PA-Controlled West Bank

http://www.jinsa.org/fellowship-program/jinsa-fellows/israel-continues-thwart-terror-attacks-pa-controlled-west-bank On May 10, the official Israel Defense Forces blog posted an article titled “The 2012 Terror Attacks Against Israel You Never Heard About.” The title is somewhat misleading, since in fact, none of these...

So you thought Netanyahu is tough on terrorism? Not exactly

http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/so-you-thought-pm-netanyahu-is-tough-on-terrorism-not-exactly/ Last week, our government sent my daughter’s murderer, Ahlam Tamimi, a pre-wedding gift. Tamimi, the woman who engineered the 2001 massacre in Jerusalem’s Sbarro restaurant, was released from prison by the Israeli government in October...