WALSH: Myth of a two-state solution

http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/may/3/myth-of-a-two-state-solution/ It has been 64 years since the United Nations General Assembly approved the Partition Plan for Palestine and the struggle to implement a “two-state solution” began. Today, we are no closer to that end....

What the Palestinians Want

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3049/what-palestinians-want The Palestinians want the US to endorse all their demands and force Israel to give them everything. Palestinians are reminded almost every day that the US, which has been providing them with billions of...

How The Palestinian Authority Fights Corruption

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3043/palestinian-authority-corruption The Palestinian Authority government has also warned Palestinian journalists against helping Western correspondents cover the crackdown. If Abu Rihan were a Chinese dissident imprisoned in Beijing, his case would have been endorsed by human...

Pro-Palestinian or Anti-Israel?

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3035/pro-palestinian-anti-israel Pro-Palestinian groups and individuals in the US and Europe are doing Palestinians injustice by devoting all their energies only against Israel. There is a feeling in the West Bank and Gaza Strip that most of...

Nationalism, Social Justice, and Civil Rights: Palestinian Discourse on the Social Networks, April 2012

http://www.inss.org.il/upload/%28FILE%291335769071.pdf With a lack of consensus in the Palestinian camp on various issues and numerous obstacles to the two main political processes - the political process with Israel and internal Palestinian reconciliation - social network...

Abbas’s Police State

http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/04/30/abbas_s_police_state?page=0,1 President Barack Obama's administration has loudly touted its efforts to protect peaceful activists across the globe from regimes that would oppress them. On April 26, the White House issued an executive order to stop...

Obama Overrides Congress in Order to Send $192 Million to Palestinian Authority

http://townhall.com/tipsheet/danieldoherty/2012/04/28/obama_ overrides_congress_in_order_to_send_192_billion_to_palestinian_authority I suspect President Obama and his underlings are really hoping this late night maneuver goes unnoticed. US President Barack Obama has lifted a ban on financial aid to the Palestinian Authority. Obama stated that the...

CBS under fire for ’60 Minutes’ segment attacking Israel

http://freebeacon.com/journalistic-malpractice/ Christian leaders, Middle East experts, and observers on Capitol Hill are crying foul on a CBS News report that they say erroneously blamed Israel for the persecution and migration of Palestinian Christians. The report by...

PA Could Use Troops Against Israel

www.menewsline.com The Palestinian Authority could use its tens of thousands of troops for a new war against Israel, a report said. The Institute for National Security Studies asserted that PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas could order Palestinian...

Following Abbas’ Letter to Netanyahu: Options Available to the Palestinian Authority

http://www.inss.org.il/upload/%28FILE%291335095437.pdf The anticipated meeting between Benjamin Netanyahu and Salam Fayyad did not take place, and by all indications, the meeting with Saeb Erekat and the Palestinian intelligence chief did not produce any significant results. According...