Fatah activists in Ramallah denounced the visit by Israeli physicians as a form of...

http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=2207&sec=3&title= Fatah_activists_in_Ramallah_denounced_the_visit_by_Israeli_physicians_as_a_form_of__normalization The fact that thousands of Palestinian patients receive medical treatment in Israeli hospitals each year did not stop Palestinians from voicing opposition to a visit by Israeli physicians to Ramallah last week. The Israeli physicians...

The Beit HaMachpela Expulsion Orders: Hypocrisy at its worst

http://www.hebron.com/english/article.php?id=772 Simultaneously, they received an eviction order from the Civil Administration, that being the extended arm of the Defense Minister in Hebron, ordering that the building be abandoned by three o’clock tomorrow afternoon. The only...

Funds Needed to Continue Proactive News Investigations

Funds Needed to Continue Proactive News Investigations Dangers of Further US Aid to the PLO Army Threat of Planned PLO Army Deployment in Hebron and Jerusalem UNRWA and PA for War Curriculum, financed by US and the...

Power Point: Anatomy of Hamas takeover of UNRWA

Download: Anatomy of Hamas takeover of UNRWA By: Jonathan D. HaLevi About Jonathan D. Halevi Senior researcher of the Middle East and radical Islam at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs; co-founder of the Orient Research Group...

“Feeding the Hand that Bites You”: Reconsidering Israeli aid to a Gaza regime at...

During the second week of March, 2012, while the Gaza regime directed more than 300 lethal aerial attacks towards southern Israel, driving one million people to cower in shelters, Israel announced to the world...

There is no reason to carpet bomb Gaza

The disappointment of Gaza regime: No evidence of wide popular support for attacks on Israel. The attacks on Israel are facilitated by... Munitions tunnels. Hamas pays for weaponry from cash Israel supplies through checkpoints for "humanitarian...

PA Wants Armed Personnel In Israeli-Controlled Area

Background: http://israelbehindthenews.com/reports-foreignmilitary.html by: Middle East Newsline: www.menewsline.com The Palestinian Authority has been pressing to deploy armed personnel in Israeli-controlled areas of the West Bank as a step toward an independent state. Fayad has been lobbying the European...

Smugglers’ tunnels are Hamas’ lifeblood

http://www.salon.com/2012/02/27/smugglers_tunnels_are_hamas_lifeblood/singleton/ A Palestinian sits in a smuggling tunnel beneath the Egyptian-Gaza border in Rafah. (Credit: Reuters//Ibraheem Abu Mustafa) RAFAH, Gaza Strip - The first things you notice are the trucks, entering Rafah’s dusty main thoroughfare from small...

Middle East Myths Metastasize, Iran War Hysteria Rages Onward

http://rubinreports.blogspot.com/2012/02/middle-east-myths-metastasizes-iran-war.html Much written and said about the Middle East has always been fantasy. But nowadays the proportion of fantasy to reality is higher than ever. And number one on that list is the war hysteria...

Fatah Receives Longer-Range Rockets

Middle East Newsline, http://www.menewsline.com The Fatah militia has received extended-range rockets for attacks on Israel. Palestinian sources said the Fatah militia has acquired its first BM-21 Katyusha rockets since the 1982 war in Lebanon. They said...