Lawrence of Palestine

Marc served as Chief Army Security Coordinator for the Shilo Region in Israel from 1996 through 2006. Marc coordinated all security related issues ranging from counter-terrorism defense to emergency response and management. Today Marc consults and lectures on various aspects of counter-terrorism. Marc is still involved in the planning and implementation of security operations. Marc also serves the One Israel Fund as its new Security Projects Director and oversees all aspects of lifeâ€saving security projects for One Israel Fund in the areas of Judea and Samaria. Marc is also active in support of these critically needed programs and makes frequent trips to the US lecturing about security in Judea and Sameria. He made Aliyah from the U.S. in 1978, and now lives in Shiloh, Israel, with his wife and four children.

Ten Obstacles to Middle East Peace

1. November 2, 2009 marked the 92nd anniversary of Balfour day, which led to the 1922 San Remo Treaty and to the 1924 League of Nations ratification of the San Remo Treaty, which recognized...

Palestinian Schoolbooks: An Updated Conclusion

Arnon Groiss1 29 October 2009 In the final report on the PA schoolbooks issued by IMPACT-SE in March 2008 under the title “Palestinian Textbooks: From Arafat to Abbas and Hamas” we checked the attitude reflected in these books...

Denigration of Israel in the Public Domain: Yom Kippur and the American Jewish Media

The principle of Freedom of the Press assures every media outlet the right to publish freely in the public domain. Yet on Yom Kippur, we couch that freedom with a restraint on "Hotzaat Shem...

Richard Goldstone is to be Investigated for Criminal Activity

Yemini was born in Tel-Aviv, Israel in 1954, on the eve of Passover. Hence the name, Ben Dror: the son of freedom..

He studied Humanities and History in Tel Aviv University, and later on he studied Law. After his university studies, he was appointed advisor to the Israeli Minister of Immigration Absorption and then became the spokesman of the Ministry.

In 1984, he began his career as a journalist and essayist and published the book "Political Punch" which deals in a critical way with politics and society in Israel. He worked as a lawyer and was a partner in a law firm. Since 2003 he is the opinion-editor of the daily newspaper Maariv and also published many articles and essays in other journals.

In recent years he researched and published "industry of lies " about publications against the State of Israel and its Jewish character, which he considers false. In this framework, he published a series of research articles about the Israeli-Arab conflict in which he examined the issues of genocide, refugees, Palestinian and Arab capital, the status of Israeli Arabs, Multiculturalism, and the status of women. All these articles included a comparative study about each topic.

According to Yemini, "the modern Anti-Zionism is a politically correct Antisemitism ". He argued that the same way Jews were demonized, Israel is demonized, the same way the right of Jews to exist was denied, the right for Self-determination is denied from Israel, the same way Jews were presented as a menace to the world, Israel is presented as a menace to the world. In his comparative studies, he presents the huge gap between the myths against Israel, from one hand, and the real facts, from the other hand.

According to Wikipedia, "He supports the Two-state solution and opposes settlements in the "West Bank ". He argues that the extreme right and the extreme left lead to the same goal of One-state solution. His articles concerning the Israeli-Arab conflict and his comparative studies led him to become the most translated Israeli journalist and a widely invited speaker about criticism of Israel ".

Israeli Academic Think Tank Appeals to UN to declare Palestinian state

Gershon Baskin, CEO of the Israel-Palestine Centre For Research and Information (IPCRI) - a joint Israeli-Palestinian think-tank in Jerusalem - believes the only way to achieve Mideast peace is by having the international community...

Report Ignored By Goldstone UN Commission:

Head of World Genocide Situation Room in GENOCIDE PREVENTION NOW (GPN) Worldwide Web Site Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide

“Innocent Civilians” were actually…Palestinian Security Apparatus Members

Lt. Col. (res.) Jonathan Dahoah-Halevi is a senior researcher of the Middle East and radical Islam at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. He is a co-founder of the Orient Research Group Ltd. and is a former advisor to the Policy Planning Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“Beat your swords into investment portfolios?”

Deputy Foreign Minister of Israel, Danny Ayalon, who is a former Israel Ambassaor to the U.S. and a leader of the Israel Beiteinu party told a group of about 70 Palestinian women - who...

Police and Harsh Rhetoric in Bethlehem

Rhonda Spivak, an attorney and a writer, is a member of the Canadian and Israel Bar Associations. It was a hot Friday afternoon on August 7, when I went to Bethlehem on. I didn’t have...