Syrian/Egyptian Military Deployment in Gaza?

U.S.Egypt and Syria push for deployment of Arab armies in Gaza Strip Egypt, Syria increase pressure on Hamas to seal agreement with Fatah By Akiva Eldar Haaretz Last update - 01:12 16/06/2009 Egypt and Syria have...


The news of the week in Israel’s bustling capital revolves around Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s policy speech at Bar Ilan University on June 14, where Israel formally announced that it would indeed recognize an independent Palestinian state, if it were to be demilitarized and if would recognize Israel as a Jewish state, as proscribed in the “declaration of principles” of the 1993 Oslo accords, which were signed by Israel and the PLO on the White House lawn in September 1993, approved by the Israeli Knesset Parliament, yet never ratified by the PLO.

Background to Obama and Netanyahu Speeches: WHICH ROAD MAP TOWARDS A PALESTINIAN STATE?

For the past six years, the Middle East Road Map, placed on the table of middle
east negotiations by the Bush Administration, has been on the agenda of middle
east negotiations.
The only question question which remains: which Middle East Road map?

A Seminal Call on the Eve of Passover for an End of Incitement

A Passover statement from Professors Elihu D Richter and Israel Charny based on a parallel letter to the new Prime Minister of Israel, Mr Benjamin Netanyahu and its President, Mr Shimon Peres April 4 2009 Subject:...

Palestinian Authority to Pay All Salaries in Gaza, Including Hamas

The Palestinian caretaker government has resumed payment of members of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), including Hamas members such as deposed Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and former Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahhar. The caretaker government,...

Mahmoud Abbas: Hostile Palestinian Leader With Image of Moderation Whom Israel Must Now Contend...

With Israel's Gaza campaign against Hamas and the Israeli election in the past, Israel must now contend with its next challenge - Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority. Although Mr. Abbas has been broadly...

Why Must Israel Pay Ransom for his Release?

On Wednesday, the outgoing Israel government's Security Cabinet approved Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's proposal to link the Israeli POW Cpl. Gilad Shalit's release to any future security arrangement with the Hamas. Now, say government sources...

Challenge To New Israeli Government

On February 5, outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert ordered 170 million shekels, the equivalent of $43 million, to be transferred to Gaza. Mr. Olmert said the funds represented an Israeli commitment to divert tax...

Israel Considering Release Of Top Terrorist Barghouti

The Israeli security establishment is examining the release of a convicted multiple murderer - Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti - as a means of strengthening Fatah chairman and Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas. Israeli security...