Can The Fatah Option Work in Gaza

Israel's three-week military operation in Gaza in December-January has raised the issue of the possible return of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah party to Gaza to replace the Hamas regime. The...

Perpspective of Prof. Efraim Inbar

IMRA contacted Prof. Efraim Inbar to ask him about his proposal fr Egypt and Jordan to control the Gaza Strip and West Bank respectively (see below): IMRA: It doesn't require a particularly fertile imagination to...

Hamas tried to hijack ambulances during war

PALESTINIAN civilians living in Gaza during the three-week war with Israel have spoken of the challenge of being caught between Hamas and Israeli soldiers as the radical Islamic movement that controls the Gaza strip...

Olmert’s Legacy

Israel's daily newspaper, Yediot Aharonot, has revealed details of the meeting held between outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and U.S. special envoy George Mitchell. In the meeting Mr. Olmert detailed commitments that he had...

Mitchell, A Mideast Envoy With A Tendentious Legacy

Following President Obama's appointment of former U.S. Sen. George Mitchell of Maine as his Middle East envoy, it may be instructive to remember the tendentiousness of George Mitchell's 2001 report titled: "The Mitchell Report on...

Where Hamas Gets Its Money

Amid international condemnation of Israel, one would never guess that humanitarian aid and even cash is flowing into Hamas coffers, while its rockets continue to hit Israel. It is important to alleviate the suffering of...

Assessments of the Middle East NewsLine

Welcome to Middle East Newsline, a defense news service by independent journalists with a real understanding of the region. Our correspondents gather information from Ankara, Athens, Amman, Cairo, Jerusalem, London, Moscow, Nicosia, Ramallah and Washington...

Secrecy Surrounds Senator Specter’s Visit to Damascus

The interview that follows was conducted with Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA.) when he visited Israel, en route to Damascus. Despite Senator Specter's willingness to engage in an open and frank discussion before his visit to...

Incisive Commentary

Posting: January 8, 2009 "Diplomatic Confusion" Major Ro'i Rozner, of the Kfir Brigade, has been killed by mortar fire in a fierce battle in the region of the former Jewish community of Neztarim. We salute him. ~~~~~~~~~~ It...

Israel Scores Initial Victories In Gaza War

During Thursday's Israel Defense Forces (IDF) operations, the Israeli army targeted, identified and killed Islamic Jihad terrorists who in recent days launched rockets into Israel including, Nasser Halil Hassan Ouda, 21; Muhammad Faez Yadeb...