First Gaza, Then The World

Some of Israel's most blatant critics have written that for every Israeli killed, about a hundred Palestinians were killed. A half-truth is worse than a lie, but this is not even a half truth....

On Christmas Eve, Palestinian Legislature Introduces Crucifixion As Means Of Capital Punishment

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. (AP /Khalil Hamra) The democratically elected Palestinian parliament in Gaza voted in favor of a law allowing courts to mete out sentences in the spirit of Islam, the London-based Arab...

Follow up on the Expulsion from Beit HaShalom in Hebron

"Despicable" There are a few items that might qualify for this modifier, but what I have in mind is this: At the Cabinet meeting today, Olmert said: "As a Jew, I'm ashamed of the sight of Jews...

IDF presence in West Bank prevents the rockets that have terrorized Sderot and Ashkelon

From a hilltop on the outskirts of Kalkilya, the soldiers of the 55th Artillery Battalion can see the lights of Tel Aviv shimmer in the distance. It is a constant reminder to them of...


The city of Hebron, approximately 20 miles south of Jerusalem in the Judean Hills, has been linked to the Jewish people from time immemorial. It is, after Jerusalem, the most sacred city for the...

The Palestinian Perspective on the American Election

Posting: November 4, 2008 "A Report That Matters" If it's not too late... in case it makes a difference. I had to run this. According to YNET, Al Ahkbar, a Lebanese daily, is running the following story...

Incisive Insight in the News

Posting: October 29, 2008 "Does This Matter?" To me it matters a lot: It's being reported that French president Nicholas Sarkozy thinks Obama's position on Iran is "utterly immature" and comprised of "formulations empty of all content." Sarkozy...

Hamas Exploiting Internet: Launch of AqsaTube

Hamas, like terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah and al-Qaida, have learned to use and exploit the Internet.With the six-month cease-fire with Hamas scheduled to conclude on December 19, Hamas has launched a new Web...

Why A Two-State Solution Will Not Work For Israel

In early September, in my capacity as the head of the Sderot Media Center, I was invited to take part in a press conference in the Norwegian capitol of Oslo, together with the Israeli...

CHALLENGE OF THE NEW JEWISH YEAR: WILL THERE BE A NEW DISENGAGEMENT? This link to a color coded map depicts the second withdrawal map that was approved by the government of Israel on February 20, 2005, as the second scheduled Israeli withdrawal, following the pullback and...