A Diary of Insight in Middle East Reporting

Posting: April 17, 2008 "Carter's Destruction" Today is the day that Jimmy Carter -in defiance of requests from several quarters that he not do so-is going to be meeting with officials from Hamas. To achieve peace,...

20 Middle East Policy Questions to Ask Candidates Running for Public of Office in...

I have spent the past week covering Middle East policy issues during the presidential primaries in Pennsylvania, in my capacity as the Middle East correspondent for the Philadelphia Bulletin. I find that people hesitate about...

“April Fools” Piece in the NYTimes Mimimizes Fatah/PA Anti-semitism

I usually don't like playing bash-the-journalist. I try avoiding the ritualistic Tirade against the Times, which keeps pro-Israel New York Times readers' blood flowing. But an April 1, 2008 front-page article was so ridiculous...

Incisive Commentary from Jerusalem

Posting: March 24, 2008 "Fatah and Hamas" Well, here we are in the midst of an ever-changing scenario that has yet to play itself out. Officially, neither the US nor Israel has comment on the agreement signed...

Israel’s Test

The issues facing Israel today are existential, in the most literal sense. It is therefore a matter of grave concern when Israelis who ought to know better offer panaceas that can only bring harm. As...

Abbas and the ‘Armed Struggle’

On February 28, the Jordanian daily al-Dustur released an interview with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas. It included the following: "At this present juncture, I am opposed to the armed struggle because we can't succeed...

JINSA Report #752: What Do You Believe, Mr. Olmert?

Mr. Olmert, there's a bit of an argument in the United States - particularly among supporters of Israel - as to whether the United States is pushing the "peace process" and making unreasonable demands...

Incisive Commentary

Posting; March 5, 2008 "Could Be Worse" The situation is not exactly wonderful, but truly something much worse than what we're seeing right now might have developed. Condoleezza Rice has left. After meeting with Tzipi Livni today,...

Incisive Commentary

Posting: February 27, 2008 "More?!" Over 40 Kassams were launched from Gaza today. Hamas has claimed credit for this barrage. One rocket hit in Sderot near Sapir College, killing student Ronnie Yechiya, who was the father of...

Witness to Sderot:Gazans launch 44 missiles at Israel: Student Killed, Direct Hit on Dining...

Israel's Sapir College, affiliated with Ben Gurion University, bustling with more than 8,000 students, located at the edge of the southern Israeli city of Sdeort, had take steps of late to dissociate its image...