Incisive Commentary from the Past Ten Days

"A Pre-Sukkot Contemplation" I received an e-mail from a very serious reader (who shall remain anonymous here, as I've not received permission to use his name). Things are dire, he told me with a heavy...

Where is the Issue of Education for Peace in the Olmert-Rice-Abbas Initiative?

When former U.S. negotiator Dennis Ross sought to understand the failure of the Oslo peace process of the 1990s, in which he was an active participant, he zeroed in on the need to bring...

Analysis: The Israel “Declaration Of Principles” offered to The PLO

On Monday, September 10th, 2007, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met in his office with Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the Palestinian Authority, the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party along with the...

Commentary from Arlene Kushner

Posting: September 12, 2007 "There it is!" Olmert and company exposed with their intentions out front for all to see. We are not to "play into the hands of Hamas" by going into Gaza, you see. As...

Israeli Intelligence Blasts U.K. For Providing Sanctuary To Hamas

Just a short time after outgoing British Prime Minister Tony Blair assumed the role of Middle East envoy, the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center in Herzelia, Israel (, has issued a scathing report in...

Israeli Intelligence Think Tank Attacks UK for Providing Sanctuary to Hamas

Just a short time after outgoing British Prime Minister Tony Blair assumed the role of Middle East envoy, The Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center in Herzelia, Israel,,, considered the "public face of Israeli...

Genesis of an Anti-Semitic State

Imagine, if you would, that a nascent nation state, somewhere in the world, was in formation that had taken on these features: * Its new constitution would not allow for any juridical status for Judaism....

Soccer Terror: Honoring a Killer on the Soccer Field

Last Wednesday, August 15th, Al Hayat Al Jadida, the official newspaper of the Palestinian Authority, carried what the western reader would regard as an unusual news item: A soccer tournament had been held in...

Arlene Kushner News Analyis from Jerusalem, Israel

Posting: August 17, 2007 "Duplicity, duplicity" News has broken that Olmert and Abbas have been meeting to work out a framework for the "core" issues of refugees, Jerusalem and borders before the conference proposed by Bush...

Genesis of an Anti-Semitic State

Imagine, if you would, that a nascent nation state, somewhere in the world, was in formation that had taken on these features: Its new constitution would not allow for any juridical status for Judaism. Jews would...