Hamas Launches Missile Attacks On Israel’s Independence Day: World Surprises Israel And Recognizes Hamas...

The Palestinian-operated Ma'an news agency reported yesterday that Hamas, the ruling party in the Palestinian Authority, took responsibility for launching more than 80 missiles into the Israeli communities that border Gaza during Israel's Independence...

Palestinian Authority (PA) Cheerleading Increasing Terror Attacks

Palestinian terrorists staged a massive series of rocket and mortar attacks along Israel's southern border in an apparent attempt to abduct another Israeli soldier, and Israeli army officers renewed their calls for a major...

Sources: Olmert won’t respond because no Israelis killed

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert today decided against carrying out a large-scale offensive in the Gaza Strip in response to a massive Hamas rocket attack and attempted kidnapping yesterday because no Israelis were killed in...


Official Palestinian Authority broadcast media have sharply increased anti-Israeli propaganda in recent days, including explicit and implicit calls for suicide attacks on Israeli civilians and kidnappings of Israeli soldiers. "Oh, Lord, martyrdom is for...

Iran May Be Fueling New Palestinian Missile War On Israel

The Middle East Newsline reports that Israel's military expects the next war to include intense rocket and missile attacks on the Jewish state, which will emanate from Lebanon, Syria and the Palestinian Authority. "We experienced...

Israel’s Terror Release Policy Grabs Specter’s Attention Again

When U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), then chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, heard the story in 2002 of Palestinian terrorist Nasser Abu Hamid, PLO Marwan Barghouti's right-hand man, he was stunned. In December 2002,...

“Bill Clinton: Israel-Syria peace deal could be reached within 35 minutes”

A peace agreement between Israel and Syria could be reached within 35 minutes, former U.S. president Bill Clinton told the Lebanon-based Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper in an interview published Sunday. Clinton said Israel and Syria were...

Commentary: Our Fate and Faith At This Time

I offer here a link to a piece by Barry Rubin called "Goodbye to Western Civilization." I urge all of you to read it, but particularly those who are in N. America. There must...

IGNORING ANTI-SEMITIC INCITEMENT: When PR Firms Replace Israel’s Democratic Process

Since the genesis of the Oslo process in 1993, successive governments of Israel, under a binding legal and moral obligation to demand a cessation of virulent anti-semitic incitement as the condition for negotiation and...

Commentary: Saudi Plans…

The Saudi government seems to be ever so quietly knifing the Bush administration in the back. I wrote last week about a piece by Dore Gold in which he said that the Saudis have...