Whistleblower on Antisemitism Harassed by Antisemitism: Shai Davidai as a Case in Point

Shai Davidai, an Israeli assistant professor at the Columbia University Business School, is being investigated by the Columbia administration. Davidai gained prominence by criticizing the failure of the university to respond to antisemitism on campus. He charged the...

Israel Details PA Terror Funding

Israel has detailed Palestinian Authority funding to convicted killers of Americans and Israelis. An Israeli government report said the PA was providing grants and salaries to current and former Palestinian inmates of Israeli prisons. The...

Silence is not an option

Not one government in the world - including Israel - is ready to demand that the PA must repeal its law that if you murder a Jew you get a salary for life. Not one...

Deputy PNC Chairman Denies Draft of Charter

Deputy PNC Chairman Salim Za'noun denied a report attributed to him which was distributed by the Palestine Ministry of Information that there is a proposed draft for a new Palestinian National Charter. The report...

Palestinian Authority Brings Hamas into Power in Gaza – despite Israeli legal constraints against...

The Palestinian Authority, the PA, has been bringing the Hamas terrorist organization into positions of authority, to formalize the group's influence in the Gaza Strip. This, despite the fact that Sharon's government had added a...

An Examination of Public Statements to Dismantle Hamas or Only to Restrain its “Military...

This report carefully documents the public State Dept. position vs. the public White House position regarding the "rehabilitation" of Hamas, which could hardly be more different. With the same consistency that Boucher and Ereli...

The Palestinian Guy Fawkes

http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/11/the-palestinian-guy-fawkes/264529/ Today is Guy Fawkes Day, which commemorates the plot by a group of English Catholics to blow up the Houses of Parliament and King James I along with it. The plot was disrupted on...

FAYAD: Hardly a “Genuine Reformer”

On July 11, 2012. during a special session of the Middle East Subcommittee of the US House Foreign Affairs committee, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported that Jonathan Schanzer of the Foundation for Defense of...

Israel, Jews and Peace in Textbooks used in UNRWA Schools In the West...

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the Palestinian refugees of the 1948 war and their descendants provides educational services to school children of this population in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the West Bank,...

A current digest of media, polls and significant interviews and events

Saturday, January 8, 2022 Weekly Commentary: Hamas and Hezbollah Patience - Not Israeli Deterrence Weekly Commentary: Hamas and Hezbollah Patience - Not Israeli Deterrence Dr. Aaron Lerner 8 January 2022 Let's not have any illusions: It isn't fear of...