EU envoys boycott Western Wall tour

Ambassadors of four European Union (EU) countries on Friday boycotted a tour to the Western Wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque led by Israeli Envoy to the US Gilad Erdan, Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported. According to the Western...

Special Report: the Palestinian Education System Praises the Terror Attack in Neve Yaakov

On January 27th, Friday night, there was a terror attack in Jerusalem (Neve Yaacov) in which seven people were murdered and three injured. The terrorist, Alkam Hayri, was a 21-year-old Palestinian from East Jerusalem. He...

Anti-Israel content exposed in UN agency’s school textbooks, as lawmakers decry ‘systematic hatred’

Watch the latest video at A newly declassified report is shedding light on anti-Israel material found in U.S.-funded textbooks used by the United Nations' Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) in Palestinian schools -- while faulting...

Is the Palestinian Authority Losing Control in the West Bank? In recent weeks, the Palestinian Authority security forces have been launching a massive crackdown on anarchy and lawlessness in various parts of the West Bank. The crackdown was ordered by Abbas after he discovered what...

FM slams UNRWA after it launches anti-Israel investigation

Despite the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) coming under fire and being investigated for its staff complicity in the October 7 massacre, the New York Times reported Sunday that the organization...

Netanyahu Answers Abbas’s glowing praise of the Mufti On January 4, 2013, Mahmoud Abbas, spoke via video link on a wide screen to the masses in Gaza, who gathered to celebrate the founding of Fatah, (Arabic for conquest) otherwise known as the...

Op-Ed: Financing the Flames III: Lawmakers Ready to Defund PA Exclusive to Arutz Sheva A growing number of lawmakers in the United States, Great Britain, and the European Union are openly suggesting the billions of dollars, pounds, and euros that they and others have collectively...

UNRWA’s False Façade of Neutrality

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: UN NGOs have a long history of attempting to sell their own neutrality and even-handedness. UNRWA stands out as an agency that has abused its diplomatic immunity to transform itself into a Palestinian...

General Sharon on the Ground

This week Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was reminded of an officer by the name of Amnon Schwartzburg, a member of Kibbutz Beit Alpha, whom he had recommended for a favorable citation after the paratrooper...

No Separating Palestinian Corruption From Terror As the second week of the search for the three Israeli teenagers abducted by Hamas terrorists comes to an end, the announcement of the names of two prime suspects in the kidnapping is all...