The Sacredness of the Right of Return

The participants in the activities to commemorate the Nakba in Ramallah demanded on Saturday the reactivation of the PLO Department of Refugee Affairs to preserve the rights of the refugees, the unity of the...

The Palestinian Authority: Facing Genuine Financial Crisis or Not?

Children are begging on the streets. The medical system is on the verge of collapse. The Palestinian Authority appears to be facing a humanitarian crisis of major dimensions - presumably because donors have decided...

U.S. Teen Recovering From Blast: Abbas’s Deputy Praises the Attack

Daniel Wultz, a 16 year old Florida teenager who was severely wounded in the April 19th Tel Aviv terror attack in which nine people were murdered, has woken up from a coma and officials...

The Million Person Gap: A Critical Look at Palestinian Demography

Executive Summary: Population statistics and predictions of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) are unreliable. A BESA study that subjects Palestinian demography to rigorous analysis shows that the 2004 Palestinian population of the...

Dov Weissglass to be Bezeq Chairman

Background on investigations of Dov Weissglass The Jericho Casino: Why the IDF Chief of Staff was Fired Disclosed: Weissglass Maintains His Business and Law Firm Rubbing Elbows with Arafat: Sharon's Top Advisor Represents "Business Interests" of the...

Iran And The Holocaust:Cause For Concern

As a student of modern Jewish history and anti-Semitism, I have always tried to refrain from using the term "Holocaust" for rhetorical purposes. But this time, Holocaust Memorial Day is different, so it seems,...

Abbas Steers Clear Of Condemning Attack

Following Monday's Palestinian bombing in a Tel Aviv restaurant which resulted in the deaths of nine people, the media was rampant with the news of a "clear condemnation of the bombing from Palestinian Authority...

Editorial in Palestinian Authority Official Publication, Following Bomb in Tel Aviv

I don't think, no, I am sure that the last Tel Aviv operation did not make any of Israel's leaders lose any sleep over it. They had previous knowledge of the possibility of it...

Disengagement Lessons: Flawed Pullout Predictions Should Make Olmert Rethink His Plan

Eight months after the withdrawal from Gaza, or what was referred to as a "unilateral disengagement," things are not developing according to the early scenario marketed to the public. Almost nothing has materialized in the...

Canada urged to push for changes to UNRWA

Canada has a unique opportunity to take the lead in pushing the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) to exclude Palestinian terrorists from its payroll and to adopt the same...