How a battle was won; Why a battle was lost; How the war could...

On May 2nd, 2004, the opposition in Israel suceeded in overwhelmingly defeating PM Sharon in the Likud referendum. How? By training people to appeal to the Likud electorate and to the media with a universal message...

Not Quite What We Are Led to Believe

Now that the residents of the Katif district of Gaza have been forcibly expelled from their homes, a picture - promoted by the Palestinian Authority and its supporters - is being painted in the...

No problem with murdering Jewish students, however

Palestinian Authority officials and offical Palestinian Authority media today universally condemned the Israeli army's killing last night of five armed members of the Islamic Jihad terror organization that has carried out mass murder attacks...

Post Zionism Won

The painful pictures of Jewish-Israeli children confronting Israeli soldiers with the question "Why are you removing me from my home?" will forever haunt the young soldiers charged by the Sharon government to do the...

PA won’t disarm Hamas, Islamic Jihad

Hamas and Islamic Jihad announced on Monday that they have reached an agreement with the Palestinian Authority according to which the two groups would not be disarmed. The agreement was reportedly achieved during talks in...

Intelligence Premonitions of Disengagement

How can the Palestinians be prevented from copying the Kassam rocket fire from the Gaza Strip to Judea and Samaria? In other words-how can Israel put a stop to what the Palestinians consider the successful...

Will the Government of Israel Adhere to the law and forbid assets from falling...

The following query should be posed to spokespeople of the government of Israel: The government of Israel stresses that it has ordered its troops to "carry out the law". What is the government of Israel doing...

Egypt Sends Troops to Eastern Sinai

CAIRO -- Egypt has sent hundreds of troops to eastern Sinai. Officials said the troops would man the 12-kilometer Egyptian border with the Gaza Strip. They said Israel has agreed to the arrangement. So far,...

Arab World Delights as Evictions Edge Nearer

The Jewish settlement and watchtower went up in flames as the delighted crowd looked on. It was only a cardboard effigy, but it was a portent of long-awaited destruction soon to befall the hated...

No assets for terrorists

At a time when debate rages throughout the world as to whether or not to support the "Disengagement Plan" of the government of Israel,the time has come to address a seminal decision of the...