Is Hamas Preparing to Inherit The Palestinian Authority?

There is growing evidence that Fatah, the Palestinian faction that today dominates the PLO, may not remain the power center of Palestinian politics in the post-Arafat era. Hamas is preparing itself to inherit the...

Palestinians pop up in Panama Papers

Ever since the inception of the Palestinian Authority (PA) in 1994, local and international organizations have repeatedly issued reports on the rampant corruption plaguing its ministries and departments. The problem is not limited to...

House bill proposes official US recognition of ‘Judea and Samaria’ instead of ‘West Bank’

The legislation would require all official U.S. documents and materials to reference ‘Judea and Samaria’ rather than the ‘West Bank.’   A new bill in Congress aims to stress the holiness and ancient Jewish history of...

Interview With Marwan Bargouti, Tanzim leader

This week "Palestine Report" interviewed Marwan Barghouti, General Secretary of Fateh higher committee in the West Bank, on the escalating crisis between Palestinians and Israel. PR: Some people are saying that Palestinians have not learned...

Deconditioning Palestinian Arab Society From Inculcated Hatred

In the event of a peace declaration between the Palestinian Arabs and Israel, either as a result of a negotiated peace, or after a Ccpitulation by the Palestinians secondary to successful Israeli military action,...

When a US government official calls you a liar, you go on the offense.

Exactly two years ago, a senior official at the US State Department called me a liar, to my face. He informed me that all the work that we had done on the Palestinian Authority...

Yasser Arafat and Hamas: the Cooperation Has Deepened

The cooperation between the Palestinian Authority and the Hamas and Jihad, was not limited to the maintenance of a dialogue between them. The Israeli security establishment knows about dozens of Hamas activists who have...

Europe May Suspend Funding to PA

The European Union has recently warned Yasser Arafat that Europe would freeze the transfer of financial assistance to the Palestinian Authority if the PA does not explain the disappearance of funds sent over the...

Funds for Arab Terror From Israel. Following US Pressure on Israel, Israel Ministry of...

Israel this week transferred NIS 70 million to the Palestinian Authority to cover an outstanding debt, thereby supplying the PA with the possibility of re-equipping and regrouping for a new round of battles that...

Dateline Jerusalem: Journalists Under Palestinian Pressure?

The Palestinian Authority has a thing about journalists. The independent Committee for the Protection of Journalists which monitors abuses against the press and promotes press freedom around the world reports: "In the nearly seven...