Text of Letter Handed to Abbas by Congressman Sherman

May 25, 2005 For Hand Delivery in Person His Excellency Mahmoud Abbas President Palestinian Authority Your Excellency: I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the new Palestinian textbooks which the PA has introduced to several grades of Palestinian...

Congressman Sherman Challenges Abbas on Anti-Semitism in Text Books

May 25, 2005 Congressman Sherman met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and delivered a letter expressing his concern over anti-Semitic portions of Palestinian textbooks and a failure to promote peace in the region. "The United...

Congress Mulls Conditions for Aid to P.A.

Congressmen are deciding whether to demand that the Palestinian Authority take concrete steps to stop anti-Israeli incitement as a condition for American aid to the territories.Members of the Senate and the House of Representatives...

Palestinian Television Broadcasts Blatantly Anti-Semitic Sermon

Palestinian television, supervised by the Palestinian Authority, broadcast an anti-Semitic sermon. It was delivered by sheikh Ibrahim Mudeiras, a symbol of Palestinian incitement. The anti-Semitic sermon shows that in the PA- controlled media there...

Abbas is coming to Washington. Will Prez finally get tough with him?

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is scheduled to meet President Bush in Washington May 26. He is getting this meeting because the Bush Administration has concluded that Abbas has done more than his predecessor, Yasser...

Arafat’s Demise will not lead to Peace – Abbas Acts as his Protege

Yasir Arafat's demise in November excited great hopes among those who saw his malign personality as the main reason for Palestinian intransigence. But those of us who saw the problem as larger than Arafat -...

On Eve of U.S. Visit, Abbas’s Media Again Attack US and Israel

Only days before Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas visits Washington to ask for money and to exhibit reform and moderation, Abbas's official media have again supported terror assaults on Israeli targets while attacking America and...

Wiesenthal Center Calls on Japanese Government to Provide Aid to the Palestinian Authority Based...

May 17th, 2005 Wiesenthal Center urges Prime Minister Koizumi to link future Palestinian aid to "measurable milestones in dismantling terror and ending incitement Following Prime Minister's Junichiro Koizumi's meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas which...

April 29-May 16, 2005: An Examination of Palestinian Political Communication Development: Moderation and Democratization...

Summary In late April and early May, the official Palestinian Authority (PA) media concentrated on the following issues: Israeli threats against Jerusalem, not just by "Jewish extremists" but by the Israeli government itself; atrocity stories about Israeli...

USAID Adds $7 Million to its Education Program

RAMALLAH, West Bank -- The American people Monday donated an extra $7 million to enlarge U.S.-funded higher education and training programs in the West Bank and Gaza. The education projects are part of a $41...