Settlers Accuse Media of Waging ‘Psychological War’ to Weaken Resolve

Israelis living in the southern Gaza Strip settlement of Gush Katif say Israel's "left-wing" media is waging a psychological war against them to weaken their resolve so they'll give up their homes. Israeli Prime Minister...

How Can the UN Address the Subject of Palestinian Refugees and Not Allow Israel...

This week, with funding from the Swiss government, UNRWA, the UN agency that is charged with handling refugee camps from the 1948 war, launched an international conference on what should have been a clear,...

Israel Can’t Do Business With Terrorists: Violence Against Civilians Must be Forcibly Stopped, not...

US State Department envoy William Burns's return to the Middle East promoting the American-backed regional peace summit tragically coincides with the resumption of the daily Palestinian suicide bombings. As Israeli civilians are being murdered...

Disclosed: Weissglass Maintains His Business and Law Firm

In December 2002, Israel Resource News Agency publicized the fact that Dov Weissglass the office manager and the long time private law counsel of the Prime Minister, was still listed in the Israel Corporate...

Arafat: Palestinian Right of Return a Sacred, Inalienable Right

On the 56th anniversary of "NAKBA", Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat said Saturday that no power in the entire world has the right to make concessions on the right to return of the Palestinian...

“Voice of Palestine” of the Palestinian Authority Praises Murder of a Pregant Woman and...

The PA radio, known as the PBC "Voice of Palestine", remains the most influential media tool in the hands of the Palestinian Authority, which now observes ten years since the genesis of Palestinian Authority...

The Text of the Sharon Retreat Plan: With Commentary in Brackets

Disengagement Plan - General Outline (18/04/2004) 1. General Israel is committed to the peace process and aspires to reach an agreed resolution of the conflict on the basis of the principle of two states for two...

Hijacking Israeli Democracy; Ethnic Cleansing, The Spin

April 13th, 2004: Ariel Sharon Hijacks Israeli Democracy to the Oval Office In a democratic system, if a head of state's foreign policy initiative is rejected by his cabinet, government, legislature, and the political party of...

Israel’s killing of Hamas “spiritual” leader Ahmed Yassin

Following the killing of Ahmed Yassin, the inclusion of Hamas in the leadership of the Palestinian Authority has become a fact of life without any real reaction from politicians in either Israel or the...


An Israeli journalist, a friend of mine, was recently invited on an American radio program to debate the Middle East situation with a colleague, an Arab-American. Like many such debates, this one was a...