Why did Dennis Ross Roll Out the Red Carpet to Welcome the Fateh Tanzim...

Dennis Ross, the special Middle East coordinator during the Clinton administrations from 1993 to 2001, and now the director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, and the new head of the "Jewish...

Fatah and Jihad Cooperate in Gaza Tunnels

[Middle East Newsline provides this newsworthy piece concerning the operational cooperation between the Fatah and Islamic Jihad. For information as to how to subscribe the the Middle East Newsline, check out www.menewsline.com - DB The...

Striking Syrian Bases of Terror: Is Saudi Arabia Next?

While the people of Israel were in the midst of preparations for the solemn fast of Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, this year's observance of Yom Kippur has been overshadowed by nostalgic...

Delivering the UNRWA report to the Canadian Parliament and the US Congress this Past...

This week, between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, I traveled to the US and Canada in order to share vital data on the "right of return" agenda of UNRWA. This UN agency, which runs the...

Lawmakers Told of Alleged UN Links to Middle East Terror

Recently declassified documents by Israeli intelligence links United Nations workers with Middle East terrorist organizations, an Israeli journalist and social worker told Capitol Hill lawmakers Wednesday. David Bedein, bureau chief of the Jerusalem-based Israel Resource...

US Intervenes to Protect Arafat’s HQ From IDF Capture

As the debate ensues between the US and Israel as to whether or not Israel will capture, exile or kill Yassir Arafat, the Candian-based "Middle East Newsline" reported this week that the U.S. directly...

Arafat’s “Kleptocracy” Revisted

Imagine former Enron CEO Kenneth Lay, who plundered his company's assets before its demise, pleading poverty and then asking world leaders and financial institutions to help support the jobless employees and destitute pensioners of...

The “Right of Return” The Wild Card of the Middle East Negotiation Process

The 1948 War Continues Israel's 1948 war has not been resolved. The Palestinian Authority and PLO, with the help of the UN, keep that war simmering. How? With the demand to implement the "Right Of...

Deconditioning Palestinian Arab Society From Inculcated Hatred

In the event of a peace declaration between the Palestinian Arabs and Israel, either as a result of a negotiated peace, or after a Ccpitulation by the Palestinians secondary to successful Israeli military action,...

By-Laws of the European Parliament Award Special Treatment to South Africa and to… The...

Rules applicable to the secondment of national officials to the european parliament and secondment of european parliament officials and temporary staff of political groups to national, international and regional bodies 3 June 2003 The Bureau of...