Carter: the Father of Palestinian Autocracy

The announcement from the Nobel Peace Prize Committee on October 11, 2002 that Jimmy Carter would receive this year's 2002 Nobel Peace Prize will be received with great enthusiasm by Yassir Arafat's Palestinian Authority...

“Between Palestine and Hamastine”

"Our situation is firm, we are expecting an upheaval." This was the closing sentence of the latest report sent from Hamas headquarters in the territories to the headquarters in Syria. The strengthening of Hamas...

With Questions to UNICEF

of tomorrow", and elementary school teachers and principals commend their young students for wanting to 'tear their Zionist bodies into little pieces and cause them more pain than they will ever know'¹... "....

Funds for Arab Terror From Israel. Following US Pressure on Israel, Israel Ministry of...

Israel this week transferred NIS 70 million to the Palestinian Authority to cover an outstanding debt, thereby supplying the PA with the possibility of re-equipping and regrouping for a new round of battles that...

Israel’s War for Standing in the Media

"They may have won all the battles. We had all the good songs" Tom Lehrer, That Was The Year That Was - 1966. "When you promote our cause, never say that it is a military struggle...

PA Turns Suspect Over To Hamas For Execution

Jerusalem ( - A Palestinian student accused of collaborating for Israel was found dead in a garbage dump in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday. He had been in the custody of the Palestinian Authority...

Will Iraq Aim its Missiles at Incoming Flights to Ben Gurion Airport in Israel?

Israel is concerned that Iraq may attempt to strike civil aviation at Ben-Gurion International Airport as part of its response to a U.S.-led offensive to oust Saddam Hussein. Western intelligence analysts also say that Iraq...

PA Democracy in Action: Palestine Legislative Council Meets… And PA Security Services Round Up...

A side show to the middle east international news attention this week that was focused on Saddam Hussein was provided at the meeting of the Palestinian Legislative Council at the private office compound of...

Palestinian Schools Praise Suicide Bombers

In the course of routine activity in Ramallah, an IDF documentation team entered classrooms in local Palestinian schools and took photographs that illustrate the incitement against Israel taught to Palestinian school children. Such incitement...

Rosh Hashanah: A Newsman’s Perspective

This is a year which began as I scrambled to get on a plane back to Israel in time for Rosh HaShanah, after being stuck in New York at the time of the September...