Years of Hope

Years of hope, Z.B. Begin, Ha'Aretz, September 6, 2002 A reminder September 9, 1993 Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel Mr. Prime Minister, The signing of the Declaration of Principles marks a new era in the history of the...

The PA Summer Camps of War

The school year started yesterday in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and 90,000 pupils went back to school after summer vacation. Many of them spent the vacation in their homes, because of the...

Promises that the US Does not Keep: The Boim Case Revisited

Israel Resource News Agency has followed the Boim case for the past six years. Please note the following articles that appear on previous issues of Israel Resource Review: US Consul Won't Help the Boims: "We Can't...

UNRWA Terrorist Connections?

WILTON, CONN. - The fire of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is frying some strange fish on Capitol Hill. On the hook are the United Nations, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, and the UN Relief and...

The EU and their Questionable Allocations in the Middle East

Those even-handed Euros are always at the forefront of the drive for Mideast peace. The European Union continues to pour oodles of aid money into an economically and politically corrupt Palestinian Authority. Less known is...

US Tax Money Funding Palestinian Propaganda, Critics Charge

Jerusalem ( - U.S. tax money is underwriting a Palestinian anti-Israel lobbying and propaganda campaign, according to an independent analyst and researcher in Israel. A Palestinian non-governmental organization called the Palestinian Academic Society for the...

“PA To US: Keep Your Hands Off Our Election Law!”

Jerusalem ( - Palestinian Authority officials have told the Bush administration to mind its own business when it comes to Palestinian election law, a PA official said on Friday. PA Minister Saeb Erekat, who led...

Israel Chief of Staff Speaks His Mind

Yaalon: "The Palestinians are an existential threat: Iraq is not." Yedioth Ahronoth (p. 2) by Rami Hazut -- "If we don't win this war against the Palestinians,we will find ourselves facing a threat of cancer-like...

Israel Sees Link Between Incitement and Suicide Attacks… While the EU Rejects That

BRUSSELS - Apart from a few visits to a limited number of capitals and preciously few calls to brief continental leaders, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has not paid much attention to Europe. Nor do...

Don’t Confuse us with Facts – How Israeli Military Intelligence Botched Assessments of Arafat

During a cabinet meeting in 1994, then head of Military Intelligence Major General Uri Saguy, presented a "personal memorandum." The Israel Defense Forces MI chief has the right to present such a document, which...