Do UNRWA Schools Foster Violence?

BEACH CAMP, Gaza Strip - The tall, whitewashed wall that surrounds the food distribution center of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency here is decorated with murals of exploding Israeli boats and burning...

New Revelations: How Funds of the P.A. Wound up in Arafat’s Pocket

Revelations came to light this week, for the first time, of the incredible ways that Palestinian Authority money passed in only one direction -- into Yasser Arafat's private pocket. This enabled him, for example, to...

EU and Russia Stand with Arafat

A week after President George Bush's speech, a sharp dispute came to light on Tuesday between the US and EU, Russian and UN representatives over the issue of boycotting Yasser Arafat. In a meeting between...

Critics pressing U.N.R.W.A.

Efforts to investigate the United Nations Relief and Welfare Agency, which is accused of allowing terrorism to flourish in the refugee camps it services, are falling flat on Capitol Hill and in the United...

How Arafat Rigged the 1996 PA Elections

During the January 1996 elections, our news agency worked with a Palestinian news team to help Peace Watch cover the PA elections, as reported below. When I asked Amercian election observer team chairman Jimmy...

How CNN Could Establish Integrity: Run Ten Segments on a Day in the Life...

On Tuesday morning, June 19th, we began the day with the horrific news of yet another bus bombing in Jerusalem. A colleague who covers Arabic language media output of the Palestinian Authority, reported how the...

Israeli Intelligence Shares Data With US Concerning Arafat’s Direct Involvement in Latest Terror Attacks

Israel conveyed to the US up-to-date and extremely detailed intelligence which demonstrates Yasser Arafat's personal involvement in the recent terror attacks in the heart of Israel, including last week's terror attacks. Shortly thereafter, President...

Dr. Yossi Beillin: Israel’s Shadow Foreign Minister? To Whom is Beillin Beholden?

On June 2, 2002, Dr. Yossi Beillin called a rally to launched his new movement - "Shachar", which will undoubtedly represent a continuation of Beillin's activities in the ECF - the Economic Cooperation Foundation. ECF...

Palestinian Authority Official Rejects Idea of a Provisional State

Yasser Abed Rabbo: Special Ministerial Committee to Present 100-Day plan to President Arafat - "Any declaration of a Palestinian state before Israeli withdrawal effectively consolidates the occupation and the present status quo" June 15, 2002 Palestine Media...

Chairman of US House Task Force on Terrorism Calls for Inquiry of UNRWA

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Eric Cantor, Chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, today released a policy paper on the recent controversy surrounding the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA)....