Should People Reconsider Support for the Infrastructure of an Entity at War with the...

Now and then, people remind me of my passionate advocacy for a Palestinian State more than thirty years ago. In a position paper delivered at a Weiss’s Farm Retreat in 1978, I spoke of a...

Peres and Melchior allow the EU funding to PA education to Resume… WHY??

The donor nations to the Palestinian Authority educational system had egg on their face last summer, when our investigative research showed that the consuls of Italy, Holland, Belgium, Finland and Ireland, had financed new...

Weapons Were Smuggled for the Palestinian Authority

Senior Israeli security sources said yesterday that the Palestinian Authority was behind the attempted smuggling of dozens of weapons which was foiled by the Israeli Army on Friday near the northern part of the...

Will Israel Sever its umbilical cord to Arafat?

Israel only has itself to blame for bringing Arafat on to the scene. The question remains as to when and whether Israel will sever its umbilical cord to the PLO leader. The Israeli government in...

ARMED STRUGGLE ON THE TABLE: Middle East Newsline Provides Hands-On Coverage of Fatah...

The ruling Fatah movement has been bolstered by dozens of military commanders abroad, some of whom prepared to stay in the West Bank. Nearly 100 Fatah commanders and senior operatives have arrived in the West Bank for...

Solidarity in Sderot:Hadassah Unity Mission visits Israeli city weary of relentless rocket fire from...

Of the many stops made by the 58 delegates of the recent "Hadassah is Here" Israel Unity Mission, seeing with their own eyes the mounds of Kassam rockets behind Sderot's Police Headquarters, was a...

UNRWA Can’t Pay Wages in Financial Crisis On Tuesday the UN announced it will not pay wages next month to thousands of workers in the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) due to a growing financial crisis. The cancellation of wages comes...

Al-Ahram: Peace Offensive, Israel’s Security, Beyond Oslo

The following are selections from articles which appeared in the Egyptian English weekly, "Al-Ahram" of Al-Ahram Weekly, 18th - 24th June, 1998 Truthful Lies, Respectable Murder by Radwa Ashour The Egyptian-Israeli peace offensive is a new...

Report #11: State of [evicted ] Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron Communities

Commissioned by Israel Resource News Agency and the Center for Near East Policy Research Update on the 30,000 shekel burial for Netzer Hazani victim As a result of this report, and the fact that the researcher...

The Palestinian Security Forces and the Second Intifada

Presentation given at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on July 24th, 2003 (Presentation hosted by the Center For Near East Policy Research and the Israel Resource News Agency) Copyright © Gal Luft Introduction In the period...