The Text of the Sharon Retreat Plan: With Commentary in Brackets

Disengagement Plan - General Outline (18/04/2004) 1. General Israel is committed to the peace process and aspires to reach an agreed resolution of the conflict on the basis of the principle of two states for two...

Take UNRWA to the hague

UNRWA does not hide the fact that its 30,000 workers act as soldiers at war with the Jews.   This is the time to take into account the origins of UNRWA, initiated by the 1948 UN...

From Auschwitz to UNRWA: German Complicity Continues

Next month, a convocation will occur to mark the 75th anniversary the liberation of Auschwitz. This is not a look to the past. Germany resumes its war on Jews, 75 years later. How? Following the US withdrawal of...

Syria, Lebanon Trying to Stymie UN Help in Israeli Pullout

Lebanon and Syria are trying to stymie United Nations cooperation for an Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon. Lebanon and Syria have set tough terms for an expanded UN peacekeeping presence in Lebanon in the wake...

PLO envoy asked to leave Canada PALESTINIAN_ENVOY_TO_CANADA_IS_ASKED_TO_LEAVE_OTTAWA_AFTER_ CONTROVERSIAL_TWEET _ "The English subtitles on the video PA envoy tweeted include a passage where millions are called “to a war that raze the injustice and oppression and destroy the Jews.” Just as the Palestinian Authority...

Statement of UNRWA on the use of PLO school books

Statement From: "ALRIFAI, Tamara" (UNRWA SPOKESWOMAN, JULY 31, 2021) Q:As a result of the memo with the US, will UNRWA be making any revisions in its curriculum? A: UNRWA does not have a curriculum, nor does it...

PLC Rep. Hatem Abdul Kader: Arafat Can’t Compromise On Jerusalem

IMRA: interviewed Jerusalem Fatah Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) Representative, Hatem Abdul Kader, in English, on January 3rd. The entire interview follows: IMRA: You are quoted in the weekly "Al-Bayader Al-Siyasi" today as saying that you...

By-Laws of the European Parliament Award Special Treatment to South Africa and to… The...

Rules applicable to the secondment of national officials to the european parliament and secondment of european parliament officials and temporary staff of political groups to national, international and regional bodies 3 June 2003 The Bureau of...

Anatomy of US Embassy Response to Official PA Policy

Preface Throughout the day on Thursday, January 29th, 2004, the PLO's mainstream Fateh celebrated the fact that it had taken credit for murdering a dozen Jews and maiming another 40 Jews in Jerusalem. As the...

Fayad; Hardly a Moderate

The recently resigned former Palestinian Prime Minister Salman Fayad is being eulogized as the late great hope of moderation for the Palestinian Authority. The time has come to question such a characterization of Fayad. A case...