Peres Opposes It. Not Clear If and When It Will Be Released

The Israel Defense Forces has recently completed a new "White Paper," which criticizes the Palestinian Authority and its chairman, Yasser Arafat. The document forms a basis for an international information campaign aimed at undermining...

When the EU Facilitates Israeli Organizations in Support of the Oslo Process

The Middle East peace process initiated with the Oslo Accords has attracted many supporters of which the European Union is pre-eminent, with a financial aid program from the EU and the European Investment Bank...

The Former Israeli Peace Camp: Trouble Coping with Reality

Amos Asael, veteran left wing columnist for the Jerusalem Post, was asked, shortly after the Israeli election in February, as to whether he would define himself as a "former peace activist". Amos retorted that he...

Commentary on a Child Who Died in the Intifada

The following is an example of the many articles appearing in the Palestinian press praising children who die in the Intifada and holding them up as objects of admiration for their peers. It appeared...

Interview With Marwan Bargouti, Tanzim leader

This week "Palestine Report" interviewed Marwan Barghouti, General Secretary of Fateh higher committee in the West Bank, on the escalating crisis between Palestinians and Israel. PR: Some people are saying that Palestinians have not learned...

Exchange of Letters Between Imra and Amnesty International

IMRA sent two notes with questions to Amnesty International: First message: Dear R Campbel of Amnesty International, Further to our telephone conversation, the following is our question: The following line appears in your report "Israel/Occupied Territories: Amnesty...

“Voice of Palestine” claims Shalhevet murdered by her mother

For a full week, following the sniper slaying of 10-month old Shalhevet Pass in Hebron, the official Palestinian Authority press made no mention of the killing. On April 2, 2001, the morning after Shalhevet's funeral,...

Should Daniel Kurtzer Be America’s Next Ambassador to

There are hopeful signs regarding the Bush administration's policy toward Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. Unlike his predecessor, President Bush refrained from interfering in the Israeli election and has said that he will not...

Palestinians Deny Killing Jewish Infant in Hebron

Excerpts From Jordan Times: Palestinians deny killing Jewish infant * Israel Journalists ejected from Arab summit * Arab League ineffective and bankrupt. Headlines: "Israel blockades Hebron to punish Palestinians after death of baby." Quote from Text: "Palestinian cabinet minister...

Canadian Officials Confirm: Their Government Financed “Right of Return” Brochure

Montreal, March 25 (JTA) Canadian officials have confirmed that their government financed a brochure calling for Palestinians to realize the "Right of Return" by taking back homes and property lost inside Israel during Israel's...