Official PA radio news – the PBC radio Dec. 29th -‘Eid al-Fitr (Feast Ending...

Summary and Analysis VOP featured a fiery mosque speech from Sheikh Youssef Abu Sneina at the Al Aqsa Mosque. (see below) NOTE: This is the same Sheikh Abu Sneina who has been regularly featured on...

Christians Walking With Fear In The Holiest Of Lands

On a crisp sunny day, Jerusalem's Latin Patriarch Michel Sabah was preparing for the Christmas Eve midnight mass that has been held every year for centuries in the holiest Christian site on earth -...

Flourishing Deals Overseas

Who, today, controls the economic empire which the PLO created overseas? "Arafat and his friends are not transferring the PLO's overseas assets to the ownership of the Authority," says Palestinian council member Khosam...

Saudi Crown Prince Clarifies That His Plan Means Unilateral Withdrawal and The “Right of...

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Abdullah said in an interview published Saturday that Israel must withdraw from all Arab territories captured in the 1967 Six-Day War, including East Jerusalem, as the price for real peace...

The following question(s) have been tabled in the European Parliament

We will send you the answer(s) at the earliest opportunity.Click here to view the full list of newly tabled questions. Questions updated on Monday, 28 April 2014 P-004941/2014Question for written answerto the Commission (Vice-President/High Representative)Rule 117Bastiaan...


Friday Summary and Analysis In its Friday broadcasts, V.O.P. continued several major trends that have emerged during the week: emphasizing the brutal and "CRIMINAL" escalation by Israel that is killing Palestinian civilians and decimating the Palestinian...

Profits from an entity that invests in murder

ATTN - THE BUSINESS HALACHA INSTITUTE WEEKLY 10 Kislev 5780 Dear Colleague, Speaking at the Silver Spring Jewish Center most recently....Found your weekly magazine,  "Restoring the Primacy of Choshen Mishpat"    to be refreshing. As a Shomer Mitzvot YU...

The Bridge : An ecological and bio-ethics disaster

When a group of Australian athletes attempted to cross the hastily constructed bridge erected over the Yarkon river, tragedy struck. The bridge collapsed, sending tens of young people plunging into the contaminated waters of...

Will the Real Abu-Mazen Please Stand Up?

Does the Palestinian Arab press know something that the Israeli press does not know? Even as the Hebrew press headlined the remarks of Mahmoud Abbas (a.k.a. Abu-Mazen) calling for an end to the "Intifada," the...

Official Palestinian Authority Voice of Radio Broadcasts; Dec. 27

Summary and Analysis VOP reported that the Palestinian Leadership-the Executive Committee of the PLO-would discuss the American plan some more this evening, with a view to giving a response soon. Throughout the day there were hints...