Free Marwan Barghouti To Counter Power of Hamas

During the mid-1990s, Marwan Barghouti and his close friend Qaddoura Fares initiated a number of meetings with representatives of the Israeli peace camp. They presented themselves as people committed to turning the Oslo process...

Arlene Kushner News Analyis from Jerusalem, Israel

Posting: August 17, 2007 "Duplicity, duplicity" News has broken that Olmert and Abbas have been meeting to work out a framework for the "core" issues of refugees, Jerusalem and borders before the conference proposed by Bush...

True colours

It is at times like these when one can discover who is genuine and who is “missing in action”. This is not the first time that Jews in the Diaspora and Israel have faced a...

The Five Ceasefires Since the Intifada Erupted

The "cease-fire" achieved in Gilo on August 29th is the fifth such agreement to be reached between Israel and the Palestinians since the eruption of the Intifada. Some of the agreements were bilateral, others...

Who stands to lose if the Israel High Court of Justice is not reformed?

There is no reason to impugn the integrity of vast majority those who demonstrate in Israel against judicial reforms of the High Court of Israel. At the same time, most people have no idea that...

Business as usual for Palestinian incitement If you truly want to know from which hateful and poisonous springs the murderers now being released drew their loathing of Jews; if you have asked yourself what causes a Palestinian, like Hazem Kassem...

Israel Desecrates the Quran

JERUSALEM--June 8, 2005-- Voice of Palestine radio offered great air time Wednesday morning to charges that Israeli jailers in the Megiddo Prison had deliberately desecrated three copies of the Quran, Islam's scripture, by throwing...

A Biden error on refugees

US President Joe Biden earned deserved modest praise for his visit to Israel and Saudi Arabia in mid-July, restoring confidence in core Middle East alliances. But the President made at least one major misstep:...

Hamas Seeks To Copy Hizbullah Atms

Israel has assessed that Hamas intends to capitalize on the success of Hizbullah's war against Israel. Israeli officials said Hamas plans to copy variants of Iranian- and Russian-origin anti-tank missiles fired by Hizbullah during the...

USAID Adds $7 Million to its Education Program

RAMALLAH, West Bank -- The American people Monday donated an extra $7 million to enlarge U.S.-funded higher education and training programs in the West Bank and Gaza. The education projects are part of a $41...