The US State Department Fails to Interpret Arafat’s Endorsement of Murder

Last week IMRA noted that a proper understanding of call by Chairman Yasser Arafat that earned US President Bush's praise is that the Palestinians should continue killing soldiers and Israelis residing beyond the...

No peace education, no peace process

S President Donald Trump has passionately called for the renewal of peace talks between Israel and Palestinian Authority. In that context, he is preparing to release his “deal of the century” after the Israeli...

Bi-Partisan Legislation Introduced by U.S. Senators Urges Closure of D.C. PLO Office, Possible Termination... Bi-partisan legislation has been introduced by U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), Chuck Schumer (D-New York), John Barrasso (R-Wyoming), and Robert Menendez (D-New Jersey) which calls for the immediate closure of the PLO’s...

Palestinian Media 17th November – 23rd November, 1998

"Several days ago, the Islamic world commemorated the Isra and Mi'arage . Did you "seriously" celebrate the Isra and Mi'arage with all your heart? And by doing this, did you fulfill your obligations to...

Take UNRWA to the hague

UNRWA does not hide the fact that its 30,000 workers act as soldiers at war with the Jews.   This is the time to take into account the origins of UNRWA, initiated by the 1948 UN...

No vetting of Textbooks Exists in Jerusalem Arab schools, Located in Sovereign Israel

I was present in the Knesset Education Committee on jan 30, 2017 when that Knesset committee sent an urgent directive to the Jerusalem Municipality to vet the school books fro Arab Schools in Jerusalem. However,...

For Second Day in a Row, Official Palestinian Media Accuses Israel of Murdering Arab...

Israel is using electronic search machines that kill Palestinians with radiation poisoning, the official Palestinian media declared again on Saturday, April 30th, for the second straight day. Palestinian state television from Gaza reported Saturday that...

Kibbut Nir Am and Sderot – the human side of towns under fire

Kibbutz Nir Am is a small community on the immediate outskirts of Sderot. It is so close to Sderot that many Kibbutz members walk to Synagogues there for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, and other...

Evaluation of the Israeli/Palestinian Schoolbook Research Project Commissioned by The Council of Religious Institutions...

Close to 170 Israeli and Palestinian schoolbooks were examined in order to study the attitude to the "other", to the 3 monotheistic religions and to issues related to the conflict. The methodology adopted for...

Weekly Commentary: Washington accepts terror state – only requires English Let's read this incredibly shocking passage together: "Well, we condemn all rocket attacks from Gaza. We would also expect President Abbas to do so as he has in the past, and we expect the Palestinian...