Senior Fatah Critic Targeted

Sufian Abu Zaydeh came under fire outside his home in Ramallah on early Nov. 19. Fatah said a gunman shot some 20 bullets at Abu Zaydeh's parked car. Abu Zaydeh, a member of the...

France’s Peace Process Innovation For the second time in two weeks, France has proven itself the most serious foreign-policy player the West currently has. First, it thwarted an abysmal nuclear deal with Iran. Now, it’s come up with...

Israel’s Economy Minister Bennett Schools CNN’s Amanpour Over Use of Term ‘Occupied Territories’ (VIDEO) Israel’s Economy Minister Naftali Bennett took CNN’s Christiane Amanpour to task in a tense television interview on Monday, objecting to the anchor’s insistence on referring to “occupied territories,” to which the leader of Israel’s...

THE STORY OF THE VATICAN’S STRATEGIC HILL BETWEEN JERUSALEM AND BETHLEHEM CALLED TANTUR'S_STRATEGIC_HILL_BETWEEN_JERUSALEM_AND_BETHLEHEM_CALLED_TANTUR There's a hill just outside of Bethlehem called "Tantur" (which is Arabic for Hilltop) that is located in a very strategic position that I think will be a bone of contention between Israel and...

Women of the Wall Leadership Linked to Anti-Israel Groups Women of the Wall Vice Chair Batya Kallus (pictured) and WOW Chair Anat Hoffman, advise and support a hefty list of anti-Israeli NGOs. While Women of the Wall has built up a name for themselves...

Arafat’s Death and Palestinian Incitement Against Israel Palestinians renewed their allegations that Israel was responsible for the "assassination" of PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat. But a thorough reading of the Swiss scientists' report shows that their findings are inconclusive. Russian scientists who...

Kerry’s Antagonism Unmasked EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: John Kerry has abandoned America’s honest broker stance in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. His warnings about the coming isolation of Israel and of a third Intifada - unless Israel quickly allows the emergence of...

Obama Turns on Israel Barack Obama's March 2013 trip to Israel had a too-good-to-be-true feel about it. While barely pressuring on Israel, he instructed Palestinians not to set preconditions for negotiations and admonished them to "recognize that Israel...

Kerry: Stay home U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry warned of a return to Palestinian violence and Israel's isolation if the faltering peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians ultimately fail. This is a typical leftist Pavlovian...

Counter Tourism: Responding to Pro-Palestinian Protest and Solidarity Tours Visits to Efrat Since the early 1990s I have spoken with nearly 4,000, mostly non-Jewish, visitors to Efrat, a modern-Orthodox/religious-Zionist community of some 10,000 residents situated about halfway between Jerusalem and Hebron. I began...