Tourism at record high in 1st half of 2013,7340,L-4403001,00.html VIDEO - Tourism to Israel hit a record January-June high this year, reaching 1.7 million visitors, the Central Bureau of Statistics said this week. The figure was 1% higher than in the same six-month period...

Children’s Army of Hamas – short

This video is about Children's Army of Hamas short.

UN Textbooks for Palestinian Children “Explosively Anti-Semitic, Anti-American and Anti-Israeli” explosively-anti-semitic-anti-american-and-anti Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), chairman of the House subcommittee on Human Rights and co-chairman of the Bi-Partisan Coalition for Combating Anti-Semitism, told that U.S. donations to the United Nations Refugee and Works Agency...

Behind The Scene With David Bedein: Archive of Recent Weekly Radio Newsreel News Analysis... details/ BehindTheSceneWithDavidBedein& reCache=1

Thanks to censorship of You Tube, our UNRWA films have now been moved to...

Thanks to censorship of You Tube, our UNRWA films have now been moved to VIMEO.

Behind the scene with David Bedein – August 5, 2021

Behind the scene with David Bedein - August 5, 2021

Audio; Behind The Scene with David Bedein: Questions Surrounding Murder of Ben Yosef Livnat...

http://www.israelnationalnews. com/Radio/News.aspx/3101 Israel National Radio Archive http://www.israelnationalnews. com/Radio/Author.aspx/4286 details/ BehindTheSceneWithDavidBedein  

UNRWA EXPOSED: AJA Zoom event 5 August 2020

"UNRWA EXPOSED" Live event with experts from Jerusalem. One of our most important events with a remarkable dedicated expert guests. This UN agency runs the schools for Arab children in Gaza and areas administered by the Palestinian...

Euestion raised about UNRWA at White House Press Conference

Dr. Harper White House Press Question To General Kelly October 12, 2017 regarding U.S. tax dollars to UNESCO and UNRWA that have an anti semetic agenda. Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu and other Israel leaders...