David Bedein, Director Of Israel Resource News Agency speaking via Skype at ILTV Studio

David Bedein, Director Of Israel Resource News Agency speaking via Skype at ILTV Studio about the study that was looking for any education aimed at peacefully solving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

It’s Illegal to enter Bethlehem!?

sraelis are forbidden to enter this Arab area. And these signs are all over JUDEA and SAMARIA. Where is the outrage??

UNRWA in Jerusalem: Anatomy of Chaos – English

This video is about UNRWA in Jerusalem: Anatomy of Chaos UNRWA in Jerusalem: Anatomy of Chaos English from David Bedein on Vimeo.

Muhamed Assaf – Hebrew

Muhamed Assaf - Hebrew from David Bedein on Vimeo.

UN teach Palestinian children to hate and kill Jews


Incitement to Return – Short


A new film about Shimon Peres whitewashes the consequences of his policies

This essay is dedicated to the 1,409 men, women and children who were murdered as a result of the Oslo process, which involved unilateral concessions to an unrepentant terrorist organization, a policy conceived by...

Interviews with Arab Women Killers: What Motivates Them?
