Part 1 and 2 of the ILTV discussion between 

David Bedein, Director of The Center For Near East Policy and Dr. Martin Sherman, Founder & Executive Director of The IISS speaking about the escalation in Gaza that shows no signs of slowing despite several...

Dr. Charles Jacobs and Ilya Feoktistov Reveal Shocking Findings about Newton Schools

Dr. Charles Jacobs and Ilya Feoktistov appear on The Glazov Gang to discuss Qatari- and Saudi-funded anti-Semitic curricula in Newton public schools. Glazov Gang: Newton's Anti-Semitism Problem. Ilya Feoktistov (Executive Director, “Americans for Peace and Tolerance”) Dr....

Yossi Kuperwasser on Jerusalem and the peace process

AIJAC guest Brig. Gen. Yossi Kuperwasser of the Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs was interviewed by Girish Sawlani on ABC News 24 “The World” on 31 October 2018, discussing embassy moves to Jerusalem and...

Would Palestinians rather live under Israel?

ILTV speaks with David Bedein, director of The Center For Near East Policy.

Terror of Return – 3 minute version

The terror of return - 3min from David Bedein on Vimeo.

UNRWA Prolongs the Palestinian Refugee Problem

UNRWA (a UN-controlled organization) has kept Palestinians in refugee camps for almost 70 years. 99 percent of UNRWA employees are, themselves, Palestinian refugees, holding on to the hope that the current situation will not...